# JPF configuration for "jpf-core" component

# path elements can either be relative to the property file location, or
# use the JPF component name (e.g. "jpf-core") as a variable prefix
# (e.g. "jpf-core.sourcepath=${jpf-core}/src/examples").
# If a jpf.properties is to be used within NB, it has to use the variable prefix
# (prepending the project root is only done during JPF init)

# we use the ';' separator here because it is recognized by NetBeans (as opposed
# to ',')

# 'config_path' is set automatically by gov.nasa.jpf.Config during JPF init.
# If used from within an Ant build system, 'jpf-core' has to be set explicitly
# (ant does ${..} property expansion, but ignores property redefinition, so the
# following line will be ignored)

jpf-core = /usr/share/java/jpf



jpf-core.peer_packages = gov.nasa.jpf.vm,<model>,<default>

# the default jpf-core properties file with keys for which we need mandatory defaults

########################### 0. global part ###############################

# instances that are both search and VM listeners
#listener = ..

# do we want JPF exceptions to print their stack traces (that's only for
# debugging)
jpf.print_exception_stack = true

# this is where we can specify additional classpath entries that are
# not in the system property class.path (e.g. when running JPF from
# an environment that uses it's own loaders, like Eclipse plugins etc.)
#jpf.native_classpath = ..

########################### 1. Search part ###############################
search.class = gov.nasa.jpf.search.DFSearch

# This flag indicates whether state matching will only be done when a state
# is revisited at a lower depth. By default this is false. If it is set to
# true and no error is found in a limited-depth search then it is guaranteed
# not to have such error below that depth. Note that for traditional
# depth limited search this does not hold
search.match_depth = false

# This flag indicates whether JPF should produce more than one error
# or stop at the first one
search.multiple_errors = false

# the minimum free memory bounds. If we fall below that threshold, we
# stop the search
search.min_free = 1M

# name of the file in which we store error paths. If not set, we don't store
#search.error_path = error.xml

# the standard properties we want to check for

# various heuristic parameters

# This number specifies the maximum number of states to keep on the queue
# during a heuristic search. By default it is set to -1
search.heuristic.queue_limit = -1

# This flag indicates whether branches with counts less than branch-start
# are to be ranked according to how many times they have been taken.
# It is set to true by default. If it is set to false, they are all valued
# the same
search.heuristic.branch.count_early = true

# This number determines at what point branches are heuristically valued as worse
# than non-branching transitions. By default this value is 1.
branch_start = 1

# This number if greater than 0 is returned as the heuristic value for
# non-branching transitions. By default it is set to -1 in which case the
# value of branch-start is returned instead
search.heuristic.branch.no_branch_return = -1

# exclusive search listeners
# search.listener =

############################### 2. VM part ###############################

# this is an ordered list of packages from which we try to locate native peers.
# "<model>" means JPF tries the same package like the model class
# "<default>" means no package at all
# (this is going to be extended by jpf.properties files)
#peer_packages = <model>,<default>

vm.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.SingleProcessVM

# the ClassLoaderInfo class used for startup
vm.classloader.class = gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.JVMSystemClassLoaderInfo

# class used to hash/store states (if not set, states are not matched)
vm.storage.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.JenkinsStateSet

# class used to maintain the backtrack stack
vm.backtracker.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.DefaultBacktracker

# serializer to be used by state set (vm.storage.class)
vm.serializer.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.serialize.CFSerializer
#vm.serializer.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.serialize.AdaptiveSerializer
#vm.serializer.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.serialize.FilteringSerializer

# the class that models static fields and classes
vm.statics.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.OVStatics

# the class that models the heap
#vm.heap.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.PSIMHeap
vm.heap.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.OVHeap

# the class representing the list of all threads
vm.threadlist.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.ThreadList

# restorer to be used by backtracker such as DefaultBacktracker UNLESS a
# serializer that is also a restorer (such as CollapsingSerializer) is used.
# I.e. this is only read if serializer is not used or it's not a StateRestorer
vm.restorer.class = .vm.DefaultMementoRestorer

# where do we get the standard libraries from?
# "<system>" is replaced by the host VM sun.boot.class.path setting
vm.boot_classpath = <system>

# instruction factory
jvm.insn_factory.class = gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.InstructionFactory

# fields factory
vm.fields_factory.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.DefaultFieldsFactory

# pattern list for assertion enabled/disabled classes
#vm.enable_assertions = *

# do we support the Verify.ignorePath() API (to imperatively ignore paths in modeled/instrumented programs)?
vm.verify.ignore_path = true

vm.scheduler.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.DelegatingScheduler
vm.scheduler.sync.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.AllRunnablesSyncPolicy
vm.scheduler.sharedness.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.PathSharednessPolicy

# the following properties can be used to set filters for GenericSharednessPolicy instances

# never break on exposure or shared field access from matching methods.
# NOTE - this is transitive and hence should only include a minimal set of trusted methods


# never break on shared access of the following fields. While this is less prone to
# masking defects than never_break_methods, it should also be used sparingly.
# NOTE - java.lang.Thread* fields should not be excluded if the SUT explicitly uses 
# Thread or ThreadGroup objects

# do we also break transitions on reference field puts that could make the
# referenced objects shared
vm.shared.break_on_exposure = true

# do we try to deduce if a field is supposed to be protected by a lock? In this
# case, we stop to treat this field as a boundary step, but only if we see the lock
vm.shared.sync_detection = true

# do we assume final fields to be race-safe (not really true, esp. for
# instance fields with references leaking from a ctor, but a good starting point)

# ClassLoaders synchronize the loading of a class.
# Thus, static final fields can never be included in a race condition since only 1 thread is allowed to access the class while it is loading.
# Defaulted to false to maintain backward compatibility in JPF

# When an object's constructor has returned, then the final fields can not be changed.
# Thus, instance final fields can never be included in a race condition (unless the this reference is leaked from a constructor)
# Defaulted to false to maintain backward compatibility in JPF

# do we ignore explicitly set Thread.UncaughtHandlers

# do we treat returned Thread.UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException() calls as normal thread termination

# do we reclaim unused memory (run garbage collection)
vm.gc = true

# threshold after which number of allocations to perform a garbage collection
# (even within the same transition, to avoid lots of short living objects)
# -1 means never
vm.max_alloc_gc = -1 

# do we run finalizers on collected objects (only makes sense with garbage collection)
vm.finalize = false

# this is a preemption boundary specifying the max number of instructions after which we
# break the current transition if there are other runnable threads
vm.max_transition_length = 50000

# are thread ids of terminated threads with recycled thread objects reused when creating new
# threads. This is required for programs that sequentially create many short living threads
vm.reuse_tid = false

# do we want to halt execution on each throw of an exception that matches
# one of the given classname wildcard patterns w/o looking for exception handlers?
# (useful for empty handler blocks, over-permissive catches or generally
# misused exceptions)
#vm.halt_on_throw = *

# class that is used to create scheduling relevant choice generators.
# this will replace the scheduler
vm.scheduler_factory.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.DefaultSchedulerFactory

# print output as it is generated during the search (for all paths)
vm.tree_output = true

# collect output inside the stored path (to create program trace outout)
vm.path_output = false

# do we want to store the whole path no matter if we report them

# untracked property
vm.untracked = true

# from where do we initialize the system properties
#   SELECTED - keys specified as vm.system.properties, values from host
#   FILE - Java properties file (key=value pairs)
#   HOST - all system properties from underlying host VM
vm.sysprop.source = SELECTED

# pathname of property file with system properties
#vm.sysprop.file =

# list of key names to load from host VM
#vm.sysprop.keys =

# class we use to model execution time
vm.time.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.SystemTime

# if this is set to true, we throw an exception if we encounter any orphan native peer methods
vm.no_orphan_methods = false

# if this is set to true, overriden finalize() methods execute upon objects garbage collections
vm.process_finalizers = false

### jvm specifics

# di=o we model nested locks during class init (to detect possible hotspot dealocks during init)
# (off by default since it can cause state explosion)

# if so, for which classes (default is to exclude system classes)

############################### 3. CG part ###############################

# choice randomization policy in effect:
#   "NONE" - choice sets are not randomized
#   "FIXED_SEED" - choice sets are randomized using a fixed seed for each JPF run (reproducible)
#   "VAR_SEED" - choice sets are randomized using a variable seed for each JPF run
cg.randomize_choices = NONE

# the standard seed value used for the FIXED_SEED policy
cg.seed = 42

# if this is set, we create choice generators even if there is only a single
# choice. This is to ensure state storage/matching at all locations where a
# choice generator *could* be created. The default should be to turn it off though,
# since this can produce a lot of additional states (esp. with threads)
cg.break_single_choice = false

# default BooleanChoiceGenerator sequence: do we start with 'false'
cg.boolean.false_first = true

# do we want java.util.Random. nextXX() enumerate choices, or just return a single value?
# (isn't implemented for all types yet)

# maximum number of processors returned by Runtime.availableProcessors(). If this is
# greater than 1, the call represents a ChoiceGenerator

# creates a CG upon Thread.start, i.e. breaks the starting transition. Note this is
# required for data race detection (which depends on detecting access of shared objects)

# if this option is set we break the transition on Thread.yield()

# if this option is set we break the transition on Thread.sleep()

# set if we shold also break on array instructions, e.g. to detect races
# for array elements. This is off by default because it can cause serious
# state explosion

# do we support atomic sections. If set to false, Verify.beginAtomic()/endAtomic()
# will not do anything

############################### 3. Report Part ###############################

# Windows seem to have a different default



# this prints out repository information if the 'jpf' topic is set (for debugging)

#property violation reporting is configured separately








############################### 4. Listener part #############################

# imperative list of listeners



### PreciseRaceDetector

# we don't check for races in standard libraries

############################### 5. test part #############################
