PkgBase := "ceph" ChrootPath := env_var("HOME") / "chroot" ChrootBase := ChrootPath / "root" ChrootActive := ChrootPath / PkgVer + "_" + PkgRel Scripts := justfile_directory() / "scripts" Color := env_var_or_default("USE_COLOR", "1") Chroot := env_var_or_default("USE_CHROOT", "1") # Default to listing recipes _default: @just --list --list-prefix ' > ' # Build the package in a clean chroot build: @$Say Building @{{PkgBuild}} via chroot makechrootpkg -c -r {{ChrootPath}} -d "/tmp:/tmp" -C -n -l {{PkgVer}}_{{PkgRel}} # Repackage without rebuilding repackage: @$Say Repackaging @{{PkgBuild}} via chroot makechrootpkg -r {{ChrootPath}} -l {{PkgVer}}_{{PkgRel}} -- --skipint --noprepare --noextract --nocheck --repackage --force # Run a command in the chroot environment cexec +args: (_cexec "." args) # Run ctest in the chroot environment ctest *args: (_cexec "build" "ctest" args) # Create and update the base chroot chroot: (_update_chroot ChrootBase) # Initialize the base chroot for building packages mkchroot: (_mkchroot ChrootBase) # Install required dependencies deps: pacman -S base-devel util-linux sudo devtools ripgrep --needed --noconfirm # Clean one or more of: chroot|deps|artifacts|logs clean +what="chroot": #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail $Say "cleaning directive(s): {{what}}" for item in {{what}}; do case $item in chroot|c) (set -x; rm -rf {{ChrootActive}}) ;; deps|d) (set -x; pacman -Rsc devtools --needed --noconfirm) ;; artifacts|a) (set -x; rm -vf *tar.*) ;; logs|l) (set -x; rm -vf *.log) ;; *) $Say unknown clean directive $item, ignoring ;; esac done # Upload built artifacts to Github, using the associated release upload pkg="@all": (_upload pkg) # Initialize the chroot @_mkchroot $cbase: {{ if path_exists(cbase) == "true" { ":" } else { "$Say Initializing chroot @$cbase" } }} {{ if path_exists(cbase) == "true" { ":" } else { "mkarchroot $cbase base-devel" } }} # Update dependencies in the base chroot @_update_chroot $cbase: (_mkchroot cbase) $Say Updating chroot packages @$cbase arch-nspawn $cbase pacman -Syu # Exec into the chroot to a path relative to the workdir, and run the given args _cexec path +args: arch-nspawn {{ChrootActive}} --chdir /build/{{PkgBase}}/src/{{PkgBase}}-{{PkgVer}}/{{path}} sh -c {{quote(trim(args))}} # Script to upload a comma separated list of packages to the active Github release _upload $pkgstring: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ -v GITHUB_TOKEN ]] || { $Say "Error: GITHUB_TOKEN must be set" && exit 4; } IFS=', ' read -r -a PKGS <<<"$pkgstring" if printf '%s\0' "${PKGS[@]}" | grep -zxqF -- '@all'; then $Say Expanding '@all' to package set PKGS=($(rg -P --only-matching --replace '$1' '^package_(.+)\(\) {' {{PkgBuild}} | sort | xargs)) fi $Say "Uploading ${#PKGS[@]} package(s) to {{GithubRepo}}/releases/v{{PkgVer}}-{{PkgRel}}" printf ' > %s %s %s %s %s\n' "${PKGS[@]}" | column -t declare -A FILES for pkg in "${PKGS[@]}"; do fname="$pkg-{{PkgVer}}-{{PkgRel}}-{{PkgArch}}.pkg.tar.zst" [[ -f "$fname" ]] || { $Say "Error: unable to locate artifact '$fname' for '$pkg' upload" && exit 7; } FILES[$pkg]=$fname done for pkg in "${!FILES[@]}"; do src=${FILES[$pkg]} mime="$(file -b --mime-type $src)" dst="${pkg//-/_}_linux_{{PkgArch}}.tar.$(basename $mime)" $Say "uploading '$src' as '$dst'" {{Scripts}} \ ${DryRun:+--dry-run} \ --repo {{GithubRepo}} \ --tag v{{PkgVer}}-{{PkgRel}} \ --file "$src:$dst" done # ~~~ Global shell variables ~~~ export Say := "echo " + C_RED + "==> " + C_RESET + BuildId export DryRun := None export Debug := None # Nicer name for empty strings None := "" # ~~~ Contextual information ~~~ PkgBuild := justfile_directory() / "PKGBUILD" PkgVer := `awk -F= '/pkgver=/ {print $2}' PKGBUILD` PkgRel := `awk -F= '/pkgrel=/ {print $2}' PKGBUILD` PkgArch := 'x86_64' GitCommitish := if `git tag --points-at HEAD` != None { `git tag --points-at HEAD` } else if `git branch --show-current` != None { `git branch --show-current` } else { `git rev-parse --short HEAD` } BuildId := "[" + C_YELLOW + PkgBase + C_RESET + "/" + C_GREEN + PkgVer + ":" + PkgRel + C_RESET + "@" + C_CYAN + GitCommitish + C_RESET + "]" BuildTriple := PkgVer + "-" + PkgRel + "-" + "x86_64" GithubRepo := "bazaah/aur-ceph" # ~~~ Color Codes ~~~ C_ENABLED := if Color =~ '(?i)^auto|yes|1$' { "1" } else { None } C_RESET := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0m"` } else { None } C_BLACK := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;30m"` } else { None } C_RED := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;31m"` } else { None } C_GREEN := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;32m"` } else { None } C_YELLOW := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;33m"` } else { None } C_BLUE := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;34m"` } else { None } C_MAGENTA := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;35m"` } else { None } C_CYAN := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;36m"` } else { None } C_WHITE := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;37m"` } else { None }