pkgbase:="dashlane-cli-git" default: @just --choose build: @makepkg rebuild: @makepkg -f nobuild: @makepkg -o delete-src: @rm -rf src || true delete-pkg: @rm -rf pkg || true delete-build-packages: @rm -f *.pkg.tar.zst || true delete-pkgbase: @rm -rf {{ pkgbase }} || true delete-all: delete-build-packages delete-src delete-pkg delete-pkgbase cleanbuild: delete-all @makepkg -C commit-count: @git rev-list --count HEAD bump-pkgrel: @sed -i "s/pkgrel=[0-9]*/pkgrel=$(just commit-count)/" PKGBUILD srcinfo: @makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO checksum: @updpkgsums install: @sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.zst --noconfirm uninstall: @sudo pacman -R {{ pkgbase }} --noconfirm src-version: @cd src/{{ pkgbase }} && git describe --long --tags --abbrev=7 | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' tag-name: @echo "$(just src-version).$(just commit-count)" prepare: rebuild bump-pkgrel checksum srcinfo publish: prepare @echo -e "\e[36mNew version: $(just src-version).$(just commit-count)\e[0m" @git add . @echo -e "\e[36mCommitting and tagging...\e[0m" @git tag -af $(just tag-name) -m "bump: $(just src-version).$(just commit-count)" @git commit -m "bump: $(just src-version).$(just commit-count)" @echo -e "\e[36mPushing to origin...\e[0m" @git push || true @git push --tags --force @echo -e "\e[36mSwitching to aur master branch...\e[0m" @git checkout master @echo -e "\e[36mMerging main into aur master...\e[0m" @git merge main @echo -e "\e[36mPushing to aur...\e[0m" @git push aur master @echo -e "\e[36mSwitching back to main...\e[0m" @git checkout main dcli-bundle-version: @./src/{{ pkgbase }}/bundle/dcli-linux --version dcli-bundle-sync: @./src/{{ pkgbase }}/bundle/dcli-linux sync test-local: rebuild dcli-bundle-version dcli-bundle-sync test: prepare install && uninstall @dcli --version # Maintainance commands clean: @git clean -dX -n clean-force: delete-all @git clean -dX -f ######################################################### set-remote-master-to-aur-branch: @git branch master --set-upstream-to aur/master # One-time command to add the aur remote - no further use remote-add-aur: @git remote add aur ssh://{{ pkgbase }}.git || true # One-time command to clone the aur repo - no further use clone-empty-aur: @git -c init.defaultbranch=master clone ssh://{{ pkgbase }}.git