## arg 1: the new package version post_install() { echo "> The plugin has been installed to the following location:" echo "> /usr/share/keepass/plugins/" echo ">" echo "> If you are using KeePass for Firefox, please set this as" echo "> the KeePassRPC installation directory in the KeeFox addon" echo "> options on the \"KeePass\" tab." } ## arg 1: new package full version string ## arg 2: old package full version string post_upgrade() { if [ "$2" = "1.4.4-1" ]; then echo "> Important change:" echo "> -----------------" echo ">" echo "> The plugin has been moved to the following location:" echo "> /usr/share/keepass/plugins/" echo ">" echo "> If you are using KeePass for Firefox, please set this as" echo "> the KeePassRPC installation directory in the KeeFox addon" echo "> options on the \"KeePass\" tab." fi }