_install_notes() { echo echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo ' IMPORTANT NOTES:' echo echo "IMPORTANT: Now, create tables in database with /usr/share/doc/kingfisher/kingfisher.pg.sql" echo "And edit /etc/kingfisher/kingfisher.conf and /srv/http/kingfisher/inc/config.inc.php" echo "Init Kingfisher Daemon with: /etc/rc.d/kingfisherd start" echo "Configure httpd.conf and php.ini with pdo" echo "" echo "Ex. Create Database" echo "$su postgres" echo "$psql" echo "postgres=# CREATE DATABASE kingfisher;" echo "postgres=# CREATE USER kingfisher;" echo "postgres=# \password kingfisher;" echo "postgres=# \i /usr/share/doc/kingfisher/kingfisher.pg.sql;" echo "\q" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" } # $1: The new package version post_install() { _install_notes } post_upgrade() { _install_notes } pre_remove() { killall kingfisherd }