[Unit] Description=Kerberos Ticket Renewal Daemon [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/usr/bin/krenew -K30 -a -H30 -i -t -b -L # -K30 Run forever, wake up every 30 min # -a With -K, renew on every wakeup regardless of lifetime # -H30 With -K, renew if less than 30 min left (default 2 min) # -i Don't exit if renewal fails # -t Run $AKLOG after every renewal (for OpenAFS) # -b Detach on startup # -L Log to syslog # -v Be verbose ExecReload=/bin/kill -s ALRM $MAINPID StandardOutput=null RestartForceExitStatus=SIGALRM # Program that will be run after every successful renewal. # (Defaults to /usr/bin/aklog, which is the OpenAFS token acquisition tool.) Environment=AKLOG=/usr/bin/true [Install] WantedBy=default.target # vim: ft=systemd