#!/bin/bash . /etc/conf.d/kvpnc.conf COMMAND_TIMEOUT=3 NAME="kvpnc" DESC="Kerio Control VPN client" dialogbox () { dialog \ --backtitle "$DAEMON_NAME configuration" \ --stdout \ $5 \ --title "$2" \ "$1" "\n$3" 9 78 $4 } inputbox () { dialogbox --inputbox "$1" "$2" "$3" } passwordbox () { # Insecure means that asterisks will be shown in the input field dialogbox --passwordbox "$1" "$2" "$3" --insecure } yesnobox () { dialogbox --yesno "$1" "$2" "$3" case "$?" in 0) echo yes ;; 1) echo no ;; *) ;; esac } messagebox () { dialogbox --msgbox "$1" "$2" } die () { echo "Procedure aborted: $2" >&2 exit $1 } execute_with_timeout() { local PID local TIMEOUT local ITERATION TIMEOUT=$1 shift "$@" & PID=$! ITERATION=0 while [ $ITERATION -lt $TIMEOUT ]; do # Check if the PID is still running [ ! -d "/proc/$PID" ] && return 0 # Sleep 1 second for each iteration sleep 1 ((ITERATION++)) done # If the process is still running then try to kill it [ -d "/proc/$PID" ] && killtree $PID 9 return 1 } killtree() { # Kill a process and all its children (from children to parent) local _CHILD for _CHILD in $(ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid $1); do killtree ${_CHILD} ${2-TERM} done kill -${2-TERM} $1 1>&2 2> /dev/null } configure() { local SERVER_NAME local PORT_NUMBER local SSL_REPLY local AUTODETECT_FP local DETECTED_FP local ACCEPT_FP local FINGERPRINT local USER_NAME local PASSWORD local CONFIRM_PW local XOR_PW local ITERATION SERVER_NAME=$(inputbox \ "Kerio VPN server address" \ "Please enter the host name or IP address of your Kerio VPN server." \ ) [ -z "$SERVER_NAME" ] && die 2 "The Kerio VPN server address must be set." PORT_NUMBER=$(inputbox \ "Kerio VPN server port number" \ "Please enter the TCP port number of your Kerio VPN server." \ "4090" \ ) [ -z "$PORT_NUMBER" ] && die 3 "The Kerio VPN server port number must be set." SSL_REPLY=$(execute_with_timeout $COMMAND_TIMEOUT bash -c "echo | \ openssl s_client -ssl3 -connect $SERVER_NAME:$PORT_NUMBER 2> /dev/null" ) [ -z $SSL_REPLY ] && die 4 "Unable to connect to the Kerio VPN server" AUTODETECT_FP=$(yesnobox \ "Autodetect fingerprint" \ "Automaticaly detect fingerprint from the Kerio VPN server?" \ ) [ -z "$AUTODETECT_FP" ] && die 5 "The user has cancelled." if [ "$AUTODETECT_FP" = "yes" ] then # Detect the SSL server fingerprint DETECTED_FP=$(echo "$SSL_REPLY" | \ openssl x509 -fingerprint -md5 -noout | \ sed s'/.*=//' ) # A fingerprint was detected? if [ -z "$DETECTED_FP" ] then # Fingerprint not detected, ask for manual input messagebox \ "Automatic fingerprint detection failed" \ "The Kerio VPN server fingerprint was not automatically detected." AUTODETECT_FP="no" else # Accept the autodetected fingerprint? ACCEPT_FP=$(yesnobox \ "Accept detected fingerprint?" \ "The automatically detected fingerprint is $DETECTED_FP.\n\n Please check if the automaticaly detected fingerprint is correct." \ ) [ $ACCEPT_FP = "yes" ] && FINGERPRINT="$DETECTED_FP" fi fi if [ "$AUTODETECT_FP" = "no" ] then # Ask for SSL server fingerprint FINGERPRINT=$(inputbox \ "Kerio VPN server fingerprint" \ "Enter the Kerio VPN server's fingerprint." ) fi [ -z "$FINGERPRINT" ] && die 6 "The Kerio VPN server fingerprint must be set." USER_NAME=$(inputbox \ "Kerio VPN server user name" \ "Please enter the user name of your Kerio VPN server account." \ ) [ -z "$USER_NAME" ] && die 7 "User name must be set." PASSWORD=$(passwordbox \ "Kerio VPN server password for user $USER_NAME" \ "Please enter the password of your Kerio VPN server account." \ ) [ -z "$PASSWORD" ] && die 8 "Password must be set." CONFIRM_PW=$(passwordbox \ "Kerio VPN server password for user $USER_NAME" \ "Please confirm the previous password of your Kerio VPN server account." \ ) [ "$CONFIRM_PW" != "$PASSWORD" ] && die 9 "Confirmed password is different." for ITERATION in $(echo -n "$PASSWORD" | od -t d1 -A n) do XOR_PW=$(printf "%s%02x" "$XOR_PW" $((ITERATION ^ 85))) done cat > "$CFGFILE" << EOF ${SERVER_NAME} ${PORT_NUMBER} ${USER_NAME} XOR:${XOR_PW} ${FINGERPRINT} 1 EOF chmod 0600 "$CFGFILE" } case "$1" in start) # Check and prepare environment [ ! -f "$CFGFILE" ] && die 1 "Configuration file not found, configure with $0 configure" [ ! -d "$LIBDIR" ] && mkdir -p "$LIBDIR" [ ! -d "$LOGDIR" ] && mkdir -p "$LOGDIR" [ ! -h "$LIBDIR/logs" ] && ln -s -f -n "$LOGDIR" "$LIBDIR/logs" # Start the daemon and append the output to the system logger "$BINSVC" "$LIBDIR" > /dev/null # Get exit status of the first command BEFORE the pipe RET=$? if [ $RET -gt 0 ]; then die 1 "The kvpnsvc daemon died with exit code $RET" else pidof -o %PPID kvpncsvc > "$PIDFILE" fi ;; stop) killall -q kvpncsvc rm -f "$PIDFILE" ;; configure) configure ;; *) echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|configure}" ;; esac