#!/bin/bash # Assuming the script is under this dir DIR="/opt/tiberiansun" usrdir="$HOME/.tiberiansun" prefixdir="$usrdir/tiberiansun" gamedir="$prefixdir/drive_c/Program Files/EA Games/Command & Conquer The First Decade/Command & Conquer(tm) Tiberian Sun(tm)/SUN" export WINEARCH='win32' export WINEPREFIX="$prefixdir" launchgame() { cd "$gamedir" if ! [ "$?" -eq 0 ] then echo "ERROR: Couldn't cd into game working directory." echo "Examine '$gamedir'." echo "Delete '$usrdir' and re-execute this script to recreate it." return 1 fi # Running explorer is a small hack to get windowed mode working correctly # without having to change the X11 screen colour depth. The resolution can # be adjusted in-game, and sticks for future runs. Running the game # non-windowed causes a variety of graphical glitches. WINEDEBUG='-all' wine explorer /desktop=tiberiansun,800x600 ./SUN.EXE exitcode="$?" if ! [ "$exitcode" -eq 0 ] then echo "wine exited abnormally. It's possible that the WINEPREFIX needs to be recreated." echo "Delete '$usrdir' and re-execute this script to recreate the WINEPREFIX dir." echo "Make sure to backup any saved games that directory contains before deleting it." return $exitcode fi return 0 } createprefix() { # Set up basic stuff with wineboot echo ">>> wineboot" mkdir "$usrdir" wineboot if ! [ "$?" -eq 0 ] then echo "wineboot exited abnormally. Can't create the wineprefix at '$prefixdir'." return 1 fi # Prepare copies/symlinks of files required by the game mkdir -p "$gamedir" respath="$DIR/SUN" echo ">>> Game files" # Files that are written to cp "$respath/SUN.INI" "$gamedir/" cp "$respath/Woldata.key" "$gamedir/" # Files/subdirs that are only ever read readonlyFiles=$(ls -1 "$respath/" | grep -vE 'SUN\.INI|Woldata\.key') for file in $readonlyFiles do ln -s -T "$respath/$file" "$gamedir/$file" done echo ">>> MS Components" # Install DirectX (minimum version is 6) winetricks d3dx9 echo ">>> Multiplayer" # Multiplayer setup mkdir -p "$gamedir/Internet/" cp "$DIR/Internet/NL.CFG" "$gamedir/Internet/" cp "$DIR/Internet/WOLAPI.INI" "$gamedir/Internet/" readonlyFiles=$(ls -1 "$DIR/Internet" | grep -vE 'NL\.CFG|WOLAPI\.INI') for file in $readonlyFiles do ln -s -T "$DIR/Internet/$file" "$gamedir/Internet/$file" done wine regedit "$gamedir/Internet/tibsun_regadd.reg" || echo "regedit failed" pushd "$gamedir/Internet" >/dev/null wine regsvr32 WOLAPI.dll wine regsvr32 WOLBrowser.dll popd >/dev/null # Resolution echo ">>> Enable high resolution screen support" sed -i -e 's/\[Video\]/[Video]\r\nAllowHiResModes=true/' "$gamedir/SUN.INI" # TODO Speed decrease? } # Create the directory if it does not exist, then run the game. if ! [ -d $usrdir ] then echo "Creating wineprefix for the game. This only needs to be done once, future runs will skip this step." # Don't continue if there's an error when creating the prefix createprefix || exit $? echo "Wineprefix creation complete, running the game." fi launchgame exit $?