# A list of command-line flags and arguments to be passed to kolide-launcher # These should be provided by your fleet manager # The transport protocol that should be used to communicate with remote (default: grpc) #transport grpc # The hostname of the gRPC server #hostname k2device.kolide.com # The location of the local database, pidfiles, etc. root_directory /var/lib/kolide # Whether or not the osquery autoupdater is enabled # This will download and replace the binary at `osqueryd_path` #autoupdate # Path to the osqueryd binary to use (Default: find osqueryd in $PATH) osqueryd_path /usr/bin/osqueryd # Whether or not the control server is enabled (default: false) #control # The hostname of the control server #control_hostname k2control.kolide.com # The enroll secret that is used in your environment #enroll_secret 32IeN3QLgckHUmMD3iW40kyLdNJcGzP5 # Optionally, the path to your enrollment secret #enroll_secret_path /etc/kolide/secret