_kernel_version=5.3.8-nitrous+ _r="\033[00;31m" _y="\033[00;33m" _g="\033[00;32m" _b="\033[00;34m" _B="\033[01;34m" _W="\033[01;37m" _n="\033[00;0m" post_install() { echo -e "" echo -e "$_B >$_W Kernel version:$_b $_kernel_version$_n" echo -e "" echo -e "$_B >$_W Updating module dependencies$_n" /sbin/depmod "$_kernel_version" echo -e "" echo -e "$_B >$_W Mkinitcpio setup" echo -e "$_n If you use LVM2, encrypted root or software RAID," echo -e "$_n ensure you enable support in $_b/etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux-nitrous.conf" echo -e "" echo -e "$_n More information about mkinitcpio setup can be found here:" echo -e "$_b http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mkinitcpio" echo -e "" echo -e "$_B >$_W Generating initial ramdisks using mkinitcpio$_n" mkinitcpio -p linux-nitrous echo -e "" } post_upgrade() { post_install $@ } post_remove() { dir="/usr/lib/modules/extramodules-$_kernel_version"; if [ "$(ls -A $dir)" ]; then echo "Removing $dir - please note this removes any package files or extra modules you may have in there." fi rm -rf "/usr/lib/modules/$_kernel_version" rm -rf "/usr/lib/modules/extramodules-$_kernel_version" }