#!/usr/bin/ash SED_STATUS(){ NAME=$1 SERIAL=$2 LOCKED=$3 MBRDONE=$4 } KEYRING="/etc/linuxpba/keyring.luks" SED_PASSWD="" echo "" sleep 1 udevadm settle -t 10 if [[ -e "$KEYRING" ]] then . /etc/linuxpba/linuxpba.conf if [[ -e "/usr/bin/ykchalresp" && -e "/usr/bin/ykinfo" ]] then udevadm settle -t 3 ykinfo -s &>/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then if [[ "x$YKCHAL" = "x" ]] then echo -n "Enter the Yubikey challenge: " YKCHAL="$(getpasswd)" echo "" fi echo -n "Touch the Yubikey button if it is blinking." KEYFOB_PASSWD="$(ykchalresp -2 "$YKCHAL" 2>/dev/null)" echo -en "\r\e[K" fi fi if [[ "x$KEYFOB_PASSWD" != "x" ]] then echo -n "Unlocking keyring with yubikey password ... " echo -n "$KEYFOB_PASSWD" | cryptsetup --key-file - open --type luks \ "$KEYRING" keyring &>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "FAIL" else echo "OK" SED_PASSWD="$(cat /dev/mapper/keyring)" cryptsetup close keyring fi fi if [[ -e "$KFNAME" && "x$SED_PASSWD" = "x" ]] then echo -n "Unlocking keyring with keyfile ... " cryptsetup --key-file "$KFNAME" --keyfile-offset "$KFSKIP" \ --keyfile-size "$KFSIZE" open --type luks "$KEYRING" keyring &>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "FAIL" else echo "OK" SED_PASSWD="$(cat /dev/mapper/keyring)" cryptsetup close keyring fi fi fi if [[ "x$SED_PASSWD" = "x" ]] then echo -n "Enter password to unlock the OPAL drives: " SED_PASSWD="$(getpasswd)" echo "" fi ERRORS=0 for DRIVE in $(sedutil-cli --scan 2>/dev/null | awk '$1 ~ "/dev/sd" && $2 !~ "No" {print $1}') do [[ "x$DRIVE" = "x" ]] && continue SED_STATUS $(sedutil-cli --query $DRIVE | awk 'NR==2 {name=$3; serial=$5} NR==6 {gsub(",","",$0);lock=$3; mbr=$12} END {print name,serial,lock,mbr}') if [[ "$LOCKED" = "Y" ]] then echo -n "Unlocking $NAME $SERIAL ($DRIVE) ... " sedutil-cli --setLockingRange 0 RW "$SED_PASSWD" "$DRIVE" &>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "FAIL" let ERRORS+=1 continue else echo "OK" fi fi if [[ "$MBRDONE" = "N" ]] then echo -n "Setting MBR DONE on $NAME $SERIAL ($DRIVE) ... " sedutil-cli --setMBRDone on "$SED_PASSWD" "$DRIVE" &>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "FAIL" let ERRORS+=1 continue else echo "OK" fi fi done if [[ "$ERRORS" -gt 0 && "$WAIT_ON_ERRORS" -eq 1 ]] then echo "" echo "Some operations failed, drive(s) may not be fully unlocked and accessible!" echo "Press ENTER to reboot." getpasswd > /dev/null fi echo "Rebooting..." reboot -f