-- use this file for local configuration snort = { ['-Q'] = true, -- inline mode } daq = { modules = { { name = 'afpacket', mode = 'inline', }, }, module_dirs = { '/usr/lib/daq', }, } reputation = { blocklist = BLACK_LIST_PATH .. '/default.blocklist', allowlist = WHITE_LIST_PATH .. '/default.allowlist', priority = allowlist, allow = do_not_block, } ips = { mode = inline, -- disable rules which cause excessive logging --states = [[ -- alert ( gid:116; sid: 150; enable:no; ) -- alert ( gid:116; sid: 151; enable:no; ) --]], -- use this to enable decoder and inspector alerts --enable_builtin_rules = true, -- use include for rules files; be sure to set your path -- note that rules files can include other rules files include = RULE_PATH .. '/snort.rules', variables = default_variables, -- pulledpork normally includes local.rules in snort.rules -- otherwise you may add line to include local.rules too --rules = [[ -- include $RULE_PATH/local.rules --]] } normalizer = { tcp = { ips = true, } } file_policy = { enable_type = true, enable_signature = true, rules = { use = { verdict = 'log', enable_file_type = true, enable_file_signature = true } } } -- Enable hyperscan for IPS, AppID, HTTP inspection, pcre/regex matches search_engine = { search_method = "hyperscan" } detection = { hyperscan_literals = true, pcre_to_regex = true } -- Enable ZIP, PDF and SWF decompression in http_inspect and smtp --http_inspect.decompress_pdf = true --http_inspect.decompress_swf = true --http_inspect.decompress_zip = true --smtp.decompress_pdf = true --smtp.decompress_swf = true --smtp.decompress_zip = true -- Logging -- Enable logging of email headers and attachments in smtp --smtp.log_email_hdrs = true --smtp.log_filename = true --smtp.log_mailfrom = true --smtp.log_rcptto = true unified2 = { limit = 128, } alert_fast = { file = true, packet = false, limit = 128, } file_log = { log_pkt_time = true, log_sys_time = false, } alert_json = { file = true, limit = 128, fields = 'seconds action class b64_data dir dst_addr dst_ap dst_port eth_dst eth_len eth_src eth_type gid icmp_code icmp_id icmp_seq icmp_type iface ip_id ip_len msg mpls pkt_gen pkt_len pkt_num priority proto rev rule service sid src_addr src_ap src_port target tcp_ack tcp_flags tcp_len tcp_seq tcp_win tos ttl udp_len vlan timestamp', } -- OpenAppID appid = { app_detector_dir = '/usr/lib/openappid', log_stats = true, app_stats_period = 60, }