// logo.scad - Basic example of module, top-level variable and $fn usage // The $fn parameter will influence all objects inside this module // It can, optionally, be overridden when instantiating the module module Logo(size=50, fn=100) { // Temporary variables hole = size/2; cylinderHeight = size * 1.25; // One positive object (sphere) and three negative objects (cylinders) difference() { sphere(r=size/2); cylinder(r1=hole / 2, r2=hole/2, h=cylinderHeight, center=true); // The '#' operator highlights the object rotate(a = [90, 0, 0]) cylinder(r1=hole / 2, r2=hole/2, h=cylinderHeight, center=true); rotate(a = [0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r1=hole / 2, r2=hole/2, h=cylinderHeight, center=true); } } Logo(50);