# Required. A secret to use to encrypt access tokens. Must remain the same for the lifetime of the database. # Generate using e.g. `openssl rand -hex 32` #SYNCV3_SECRET= # Required. The destination homeserver to talk to (CS API HTTPS URL) e.g 'https://matrix-client.matrix.org' #SYNCV3_SERVER=https://matrix-client.matrix.org # Required. The postgres connection string: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING #SYNCV3_DB="user=syncv3 dbname=syncv3 sslmode=disable password='DATABASE_PASSWORD_HERE'" # Default: The interface and port to listen on. #SYNCV3_BINDADDR= # Default: unset. Path to a certificate file to serve to HTTPS clients. Specifying this enables TLS on the bound address. #SYNCV3_TLS_CERT= # Default: unset. Path to a key file for the certificate. Must be provided along with the certificate file. #SYNCV3_TLS_KEY= # Default: unset. The bind addr for pprof debugging e.g ':6060'. If not set, does not listen. #SYNCV3_PPROF= # Default: unset. The bind addr for Prometheus metrics, which will be accessible at /metrics at this address. #SYNCV3_PROM= # Default: unset. The OTLP HTTP URL to send spans to e.g https://localhost:4318 - if unset does not send OTLP traces. #SYNCV3_OTLP_URL= # Default: unset. The OTLP username for Basic auth. If unset, does not send an Authorization header. #SYNCV3_OTLP_USERNAME= # Default: unset. The OTLP password for Basic auth. If unset, does not send an Authorization header. #SYNCV3_OTLP_PASSWORD= # Default: unset. The Sentry DSN to report events to e.g https://sliding-sync@sentry.example.com/123 - if unset does not send sentry events. #SYNCV3_SENTRY_DSN= # Default: info. The level of verbosity for messages logged. Available values are trace, debug, info, warn, error and fatal #SYNCV3_LOG_LEVEL=info # Default: unset. Max database connections to use when communicating with postgres. Unset or 0 means no limit. #SYNCV3_MAX_DB_CONN=