or __ (cf. above) $rep = 'sites/'; $path = _DIR_RACINE . $rep . $site . '/'; // This will create automatically the folder structure. Disable it and create // them manually if you wish if(!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path,0750); mkdir($path.'tmp',0750); mkdir($path.'local',0750); mkdir($path.'IMG',0750); mkdir( '/etc/webapps/spip/' . $site,0750); symlink( '/etc/webapps/spip/' . $site, $path . 'config'); } // The default path for the database is in the config dir. We don't want that // in /etc define('_DIR_DB', $path . 'bases/'); // ajout du dossier squelette if (is_dir($path . 'squelettes')) $GLOBALS['dossier_squelettes'] = $rep . $site . '/squelettes'; // spip paths define('_SPIP_PATH', $path . ':' . _DIR_RACINE .':' . _DIR_RACINE .'squelettes-dist/:' . _DIR_RACINE .'prive/:' . _DIR_RESTREINT); // TODO logfiles //define('_FILE_LOG_SUFFIX', '_' . $site . '.log'); //define('_DIR_LOG', _DIR_RACINE . 'log/'); // prefixes des cookie et des tables : $cookie_prefix = str_replace('.', '_', $site); $table_prefix = 'spip'; // config file (like this one) specific to the site. Note that it can override // anything you did there, so be careful befor letting anyone modify it. /* if (is_readable($f = $path . _NOM_PERMANENTS_INACCESSIBLES . _NOM_CONFIG . '.php')) include($f); */ // start spip_initialisation( ($path . _NOM_PERMANENTS_INACCESSIBLES), ($path . _NOM_PERMANENTS_ACCESSIBLES), ($path . _NOM_TEMPORAIRES_INACCESSIBLES), ($path . _NOM_TEMPORAIRES_ACCESSIBLES) ); ?>