#!/usr/bin/bash -xu # # Script job is to check if the sytem's time is as specified time and if it is, then do some downloading and updating. # At the end, machine will be powered off by systemd. # # Links should be downloaded by download() LOG='/var/log/midnight-dler.log' function clock-check() { TIME_NOW="$(date +%H%M)" if [[ $TIME_NOW > 0200 && $TIME_NOW < 0700 ]]; then #Checks if time is between 2:00 - 4:00. Cause this script should get run only at this time. echo 'clock-check success!' return 0 else return 1 fi } # Well, script doesn't know the $LINKS and $LINKS_ have been downloaded or not. therefore it rerun the `aria2c` and `yt-dlp` commands. # Although `aria2c` and `yt-dlp` are smart enough to skip the download if files downloaded correctly. if [[ $0 -nt $LOG ]]; then # if chores.sh is newer than chores.log, new stuff was added to LINKS or LINKS_. SCRIPT_NT_LOG=true else SCRIPT_NT_LOG=false echo "Not any new links here for download.\n skipping..." &>>$LOG fi function update() { /usr/bin/pacman -Syu --noconfirm &>$LOG #will be replaced with `pacman -Syu --no-confirm`. it's just for the examining. } function download() { LINKS="" LINKS_="" DL_DIR="/media/info/Junk" #Directory of downloaded files DL_DIR_="/media/info/Junk/DL_DIR_" #Directory of downloaded files [[ "$LINKS" ]] && /usr/bin/aria2c -d $DL_DIR -i - -c true &>>$LOG<<<"$LINKS" # || systemctl suspend [[ "$LINKS_" ]] && yt-dlp --hls-prefer-native -f best --proxy socks5:// -o "${DL_DIR_}/%(title)s.%(ext)s" --no-progress -a - &>>$LOG<<<"$LINKS_" } #clock-check if clock-check; then update $SCRIPT_NT_LOG && download systemctl poweroff fi