"What about a car wash?" ―Millie, giving a suggestion % "People LOVE musicals, sir." ―Millie, agreeing with Blitzo % "Are you trying to crush his dreams, Moxxie? I thought I knew you." ―Millie, flirtatiously to Moxxie % "Loona, I got stabbed! Call Mox--" ―Millie, on the phone with Loona before being hung up on % "Calm down, Mox! You're gonna have another panic attack!" ―Millie, calming Moxxie down % "That's my husband you're talkin' to!" ―Millie, to Eddie % "Moxxie stop shakin’! You're gonna shoot our only hellhound." ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Exactly! Humans are full of secret nasties. It's why sooo many of them end up here. Guilty and innocent aren't our business Moxx. Killin' who we're paid to is. Our. Business!" ―Millie, trying to get Moxxie to shoot a target % "The expression is 'kick some ass', Blitzo." ―Millie, correcting Blitzo's grammar % "You have a goood heart, honey. Just a fuzzy head!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "And killin' people isn't that big a deal if they try to kill you back!" ―Millie % "Loo Loo Land?!" ―Millie, excited to go to Loo Loo Land % "Wow! I haven't been in this place since I was a tot. It hasn't changed a bit. Oh, look! It's big Woobly!" ―Millie being excited about coming back to Loo Loo Land % "I LOVE this place! My parents would bring me and my siblin's here when they could swing it. Money-wise." ―Millie, to Moxxie % "'Cause it's Loo Loo Land!!!" ―Millie, when Moxxie questions the prices of items at Loo Loo Land % "OOOOOOOOHH!! We gotta do my favorite ride!!" ―Millie, excitedly to Moxxie % "Oh, look Moxxie! A THING!!!" ―Millie, referring to a prize at a carnie game % "Yeeees! I don't know what that thing is, but I want that THING!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Was it before, or after she became a pop star?" ―Millie, in disbelief that Blitzo dated Verosika % "What was sex with her like?" ―Millie, asking Blitzo about his love life with Verosika % "What?! It's a popstar! You'd want to know what's sex with Michael Crawford was like." ―Millie, to Moxxie, about her question to Blitzo % "Do you have a human disguise?" ―Millie, to Loona % "Hell yeah! Team M and M, getting shit done! Making the money!" ―Millie to Moxxie % "I don't think this belonged to any of us. Would be a shame if anyone found out you guys were behind a giant monster fish in the human world." ―Millie, tossing a flask back to Verosika % "Fuck yeah!" ―Millie when I.M.P won the bet % "Let’s kill this rich guy!" ―Millie, about Lyle Lipton % "I mean, what do you expect to do with all this money now that you’re old and gross?" ―Millie, to Lyle on his deathbed % "Oh, kiss our ass, prude!" ―Millie, flipping the bird at C.H.E.R.U.B % "And so are you! So, why don’t you shut your trap, you judgmental, cotton candy, tit-havin’ bitch?!" ―Millie, to Keenie, calling C.H.E.R.U.B out on their hypocrisy % "THE HARVEST MOON FESTIVAL?! YEE FUCKING HAW!" ―Millie, when she finds out Blitzo is going to The Harvest Moon Festival % "Freelance pays fine, Ma! We’re doin' fiiiiine! It’s fine." ―Millie, to her mom about her job % "Oh, no! Freelance isn’t free! It's a-- Never mind. We’re just visiting for the festival. The prince is our boss’ BOOOOOOYYYYYYFRIIIEEENDDD~~" ―Millie telling Striker why her and her co-workers are at the ranch % "Don’t let 'em get to you. And hey, you don’t need my parents to respect you. They will eventually." ―Millie, to Moxxie about getting a respect from her parents % "Moxxie, I'm fiiiine! I got worse than this during the flower toss at my brother's wedding. But I caught that fucking bouquet, and it was fucking worth it! You just have to get out there, and fuck up that brownnosin' cocksucker for me!" ―Millie, encouraging Moxxie % "Not with your hands, baby. Use what you’re good at." ―Millie, telling Moxxie to use what he's good at. % "I love you, hon. But, for fuck's sake!" ―Millie, telling Moxxie to hurry up % "I was seein' red, Ma! And he was slippery!" ―Millie, to her mom about facing Striker % "Wooow! He nodded! He’s never acknowledged your input before!" ―Millie, to Moxxie after seeing him getting some respect from her dad % "Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit!" ―Millie, in distress about leaving Moxxie and Blitzo behind % "What're you doing sittin' there? The boys are in trouble!! Open it again!" ―Millie telling Loona to open the portal to save Moxxie and Blitzo. % "OPEN THE FUCKING PORTAL, NOW!" ―Millie angrily demanding Loona to open the portal % "They aren't here!" ―Millie, distraught % "I'm like, five years older than you." ―Millie after Loona calls her old. % "I'm still so jazzed up!" ―Millie, after their latest murder on the lumberjacks % "Ozzie's?! No way! That place is always booked!" ―Millie, about Ozzie's % "Relax, sweetie, don't let him get to you today. Let's just go home and... clean this blood off." ―Millie, to Moxxie % "I think you were trying to sing something for me, Mox." ―Millie, to Moxxie about his song % "Moxxie Be into this you think???" ―Millie's text to Blitzo about a sex toy % "March Mister!" ―Millie giving Moxxie a telling off % "Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!" ―Millie, when she's having a bad mood % "Yeah. I just, bumped into an ex." ―Millie, to Moxxie % "He just kept going on about how he has money now, "a bright future," and "a bigger cock."" ―Millie, about her ex % "Millie! I'm his wife!" ―Millie, introducing herself to Crimson % "Oh, I'm sure he would've introduced us eventually." ―Millie, to Crimson % "Hey, baby. Why haven't I met your Pa before?" ―Millie, asking Moxxie about Crimson % "You remember that "ex" I was talking about?" ―Millie, to Moxxie, about Chaz % "Did you date him too?!" ―Millie, to Moxxie, about Chaz % "You've never told me this before." ―Mille, to Moxxie, about his family % "Did any of that stuff actually happen?" ―Millie, about Moxxie's backstory % "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!" ―Millie, to Chaz % "You're going to die, bitch!" ―Millie, when attempting to attack Chaz % "Maybe he wouldn't "ignore his family" if they didn't force him to rub elbows with a no-good, shark-toothed FUCK FACE!" ―Millie, to Crimson, about Chaz % "You know you can tell me anything... right?" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "You want my husband?! You're gonna have to fucking kill me!" ―Millie, crashing Moxxie and Chaz's wedding % "This ass is mine!" ―Millie, about Moxxie % "Next time, just tell me if your daddy's a psychopath, I can handle it." ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Sir, let me and Moxxie handle this one." ―Millie, to Blitzo, on rescuing Stolas % "Howdy, boys! Y’all seen this mother fucker riding around here?" ―Millie, asking the mariachi Imp band about Striker % "No, NO! No singing! Just a yes or no, please." ―Millie, to the Imp band % "Thank you, kindly. Come on, Mox! We got a lead!" ―Millie, thanking the the mariachi band % "Stolas got hurt, bad." ―Millie, to Blitzo, about Stolas's condition % "Honey, are you sure? What about Blitzo?" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Mox... Are you sure this isn't a little... much?" ―Millie, to Moxxie, about his investigation board % "Check out that shady-lookin' fella over there. I think that's our guy." ―Millie, to Moxxie, about Counselor Jimmy % "No, that's definitely him. That bag's full of money, and drugs, and what looks like a drill one would use to poke holes in a boat." ―Millie, to Moxxie about Counselor Jimmy % "Now, he's lookin' around and headed into that locked boathouse we heard about. That would be the perfect place to-" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Fine, Mox. We'll do it your way." ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Mox! Did you see? I broke the record on the course!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Can you believe this? Everyone LOVES me, they're cheering, they even posted videos of me online!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Ooh, Moxxie! That was so fun! No wonder you sing all the time!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "I know... but, it's kinda nice having people cheer for me for once, ya know? Instead of SCREAMING in PAIN and HORROR!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "I haven't. I'm just waitin' until you're ready…Have you been able to eliminate any suspects?" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "If you want we can go off the guy right now! I think he's alone in the cabin-" ―Millie, to Moxxie, suggesting about killing Counselor Jimmy % "I'll tell you what… Why don't you try winning them over with something you're good at like I did? How about your music?" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Hey, big guy. I know you can do this. You're the best assassin-slash-musician-slash-preteen girl I know." ―Millie, to Moxxie % "And investigator. Look, I know it's been tough. Just keep playing to your strengths, you have all week to get it right." ―Millie, to Moxxie % "MOX! MOX! You'll never believe it! They want me to perform on stage tonight for the local news! Those videos have made me some kind of human celebrity!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "It doesn't. It matters how I feel about myself. And for once, I feel like... like I'm important. Like I'm someone to be proud of... And I had hoped that my husband would be there to support me half as much as I've supported him this week!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "SAVE IT, MOX! You could have finished that job any time if you had just listen to me, but you wanted to do thing your way. So, fine. Finish the job, go home if you want to! But, I'm gonna have my moment, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU!" ―Millie, to Moxxie % "Looks like you did it." ―Millie, to Moxxie after getting Counselor Jimmy killed % "Just don't do it again, dummy." ―Millie, to Moxxie %