#!/bin/bash source /etc/conf.d/minecraft || echo "Could not source /etc/conf.d/minecraft" # You may use this script for any minecraft server of your choice, just alter the config file SERVER_ROOT="${SERVER_ROOT:-/srv/minecraft}" BACKUPPATH="${BACKUPPATH:-/srv/minecraft/backup}" LOGPATH="${LOGPATH:-/srv/minecraft/logs}" WORLDPATHS="${WORLDPATHS:-/srv/minecraft/world}" KEEP_BACKUPS="${KEEP_BACKUPS:-10}" MC_USER="${MC_USER:-minecraft}" MAIN_JAR="${MAIN_JAR:-minecraft_server.jar}" SESSION_NAME="${SESSION_NAME:-minecraft}" # Specify system parameters for the minecraft server MINHEAP="${MINHEAP:-512M}" MAXHEAP="${MAXHEAP:-1024M}" THREADS="${THREADS:-1}" JAVA_PARMS="${JAVA_PARMS:-"-Xmx${MAXHEAP} -Xms${MINHEAP} -XX:ParallelGCThreads=${THREADS}"}" # Check for sudo rigths if [ $(sudo whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must have sudo access in order to use this script." exit 1 fi # Pipe any given argument to the minecraft server console mc_command() { sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -X stuff "`printf \"$*\r\"`" } # Start the server if it is not already running server_start() { sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -Q select . > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "A screen ${SESSION_NAME} session is already running. Please close it first." else echo -en "Starting server... " sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -dmS ${SESSION_NAME} /bin/bash -c "cd ${SERVER_ROOT}; java ${JAVA_PARMS} -jar ${SERVER_ROOT}/${MAIN_JAR} nogui" echo -e "\e[39;1m done\e[0m" fi } # Stop the server gracefully by saving everything prior and warning the users server_stop() { sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -Q select . > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mc_command save-all mc_command say "Server is going down in 10 seconds! HURRY UP WITH WATHEVER YOU ARE DOING!" # Warning the users echo -en "Server is going down in... " for i in $(seq 1 10); do mc_command say "down in... $(expr 10 - $i)" echo -n " $(expr 10 - $i)" sleep 1 done mc_command stop echo -e "\e[39;1m done\e[0m" else echo "The corresponding screen session for ${SESSION_NAME} was already dead." fi } # Print whether the server is running and if so give some information about memory usage and threads server_status() { sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -Q select . > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "Status:\e[39;1m running\e[0m" # Calculating memory usage for p in $(sudo -u ${MC_USER} pgrep -f ${MAIN_JAR}); do ps -p$p -O rss | tail -n1; done | gawk '{ count ++; sum += $2 }; END {count --; print "Number of processes =", count, "(screen, bash,", count-2, "x java)"; print "Total memory usage =", sum/1024, "MB" ;};' else echo -e "Status:\e[39;1m stopped\e[0m" fi } # Restart the complete server by shutting it down and starting it again server_restart() { sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -Q select . > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then server_stop sleep 0.1 server_start else server_start fi } # Backup the directories specified in $WORLDPATHS backup_files() { which tar &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The tar binaries are needed for a backup." exit 2 fi echo "Starting backup..." FILE="`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.tar.gz" sudo -u ${MC_USER} mkdir -p ${BACKUPPATH} sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -Q select . > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mc_command save-off mc_command save-all sync && wait sudo -u ${MC_USER} tar -czf ${BACKUPPATH}/${FILE} --totals ${WORLDPATHS} 2>&1 | grep -v "tar: Removing leading " mc_command save-on else sudo -u ${MC_USER} tar -czf ${BACKUPPATH}/${FILE} --totals ${WORLDPATHS} 2>&1 | grep -v "tar: Removing leading " fi echo -e "\e[39;1mbackup completed\e[0m\n" echo -n "Only keeping the last ${KEEP_BACKUPS} backups and removing the other ones..." BACKUP_COUNT=$(for f in ${BACKUPPATH}/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*; do echo $f; done | wc -l) if [ $(expr ${BACKUP_COUNT} - ${KEEP_BACKUPS}) -gt 0 ]; then sudo -u ${MC_USER} rm $(for f in ${BACKUPPATH}/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*; do echo $f; done | head -n$(expr ${BACKUP_COUNT} - ${KEEP_BACKUPS})) echo -e "\e[39;1m done\e[0m ($(expr ${BACKUP_COUNT} - ${KEEP_BACKUPS}) backup(s) pruned)" else echo -e "\e[39;1m done\e[0m (no backups pruned)" fi } # Run the given comman at the minecraft server console server_command() { if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "No server command specified. Try 'help' for a list of commands." exit 1 fi sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -Q select . > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sleep 0.1s & SLEEP_PID=$! mc_command "$@" & tail -f --pid=${SLEEP_PID} -n 0 ${LOGPATH}/latest.log else echo "There is no ${SESSION_NAME} session to connect to." fi } # Enter the screen minecraft session server_console() { sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -Q select . > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo -u ${MC_USER} screen -S ${SESSION_NAME} -rx else echo "There is no ${SESSION_NAME} session to connect to." fi } # Help function, no arguments required help() { cat <<- 'EOF' This script was design to easily control any minecraft server. Quite every parameter for a given minecraft server derivative can be altered by editing the variables in the configuration file. Usage: minecraftd {start|stop|status|backup|command |console} start Start the minecraft server stop Stop the minecraft server restart Restart the minecraft server status Print some status information backup Backup the world data command Run the given comman at the minecraft server console console Enter the server console through a screen session Copyright (c) Gordian Edenhofer EOF } case "$1" in start) server_start ;; stop) server_stop ;; status) server_status ;; restart) server_restart ;; console) server_console ;; command) server_command "${@:2}" ;; backup) backup_files ;; *|-h|--help) help esac exit 0