[server] # The host address in which to bind the HTTP server. host: # The port the HTTP server will listen on. port: 7125 # The port to listen on for SSS (HTTPS) connections. Note that the HTTPS # server will only be started of the certificate and key options outlined # below are provied. The default is 7130. #ssl_port: 7130 # The path to a self signed ssl certificate. The default is no path, which # disables HTTPS. #ssl_certificate_path: # The path to the private key used to signed the certificate. The default # is no path, which disables HTTPS. #ssl_key_path: # The address of Unix Domain Socket used to communicate with Klipper. klippy_uds_address: /run/klipper/ud_sock # The maximum size allowed for a file upload. #max_upload_size: 200 # When set to True Moonraker will log in verbose mode. During this stage # of development the default is True. In the future this will change. enable_debug_logging: True # The path to a directory where configuration files are located. This # directory may contain Klipper config files (printer.cfg) or Moonraker # config files (moonraker.conf). Clients may also write their own config # files to this directory. Note that this may not be the system root # (ie: "/") and moonraker must have read and write access permissions # for this directory. [file_manager] # The path to the folder that stores Moonraker's lmdb database files. # It is NOT recommended to place this file in a location that is served by # Moonraker (such as the "config_path" or the location where gcode # files are stored). If the folder does not exist an attempt will be made # to create it. The default is ~/.moonraker_database. config_path: /etc/klipper # An optional path to a directory where log files are located. Users may # configure various applications to store logs here and Moonraker will serve # them at "/server/files/logs/*". The default is no log paths. #log_path: # When set to True the file manager will add uploads to the job_queue when # the `start_print` flag has been set. The default if False. #queue_gcode_uploads: False [database] # The path to the folder that stores Moonraker's lmdb database files. # It is NOT recommended to place this file in a location that is served by # Moonraker (such as the "config_path" or the location where gcode # files are stored). If the folder does not exist an attempt will be made # to create it. The default is ~/.moonraker_database. database_path: /var/opt/moonraker/db # For developer use only. End users should leave this option set to False. #enable_database_debug: False [data_store] # The maximum number of temperature values to store for each sensor. Note # that this value also applies to the "target", "power", and "fan_speed" # if the sensor reports them. The default is 1200, which is enough to # store approximately 20 minutes of data at one value per second. #temperature_store_size: 1200 # The maximum number "gcode lines" to store. #gcode_store_size: 1000 #[job_queue] # When set to true the job queue will attempt to load the next # pending job when Klipper reports as "Ready". If the queue has # been paused it will automatically resume. Note that neither # the job_transition_delay nor the job_transition_gcode are # applied in this case. The default is False. #load_on_startup: False # The amount of time to delay after completion of a job before # loading the next job on the queue. The default is no delay. #job_transition_delay: # A gcode to execute after the completion of a job before the next # job is loaded. If a "job_transition_delay" has been configured # this gcode will run after the delay. The default is no gcode. #job_transition_gcode: #[authorization] # A list of newline separated ip addresses and/or ip ranges that are # trusted. Trusted clients are given full access to the API. Both IPv4 # and IPv6 addresses and ranges are supported. Ranges must be expressed # in CIDR notation (see http://ip.sb/cidr for more info). For example, an # entry of will authorize IPs in the range of - # Note that when specifying IPv4 ranges the last segment # of the ip address must be 0. The default is no clients or ranges are # trusted. #trusted_clients: # # # Enables CORS for the specified domains. One may specify * if they wish # to allow all domains. #cors_domains: # http://klipper-printer.local # http://second-printer.local:7125 #[octoprint_compat] [history]