"We can't afford a billboard, sir." ―Moxxie, about Blitzo's suggestion % "OKAY, sir! I'm sorry, a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theatre! NOBODY ACTUALLY LIKES THE JINGLES!" ―Moxxie, claiming nobody likes commercial jingles % "Do not-- do not agree with him, in front of me." ―Moxxie, to Millie % "YOU sit! Sit on…a…and the di- DO YOUR JOB!!"" ―Moxxie, trying to think of a comeback towards Loona % "We aren't a family, sir. You are the boss, we are the employees." ―Moxxie, disagreeing with Blitzo's statement about their company being a family % "WHAT THE?! WHY ARE YOU IN OUR FRIDGE?!" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo % "I was dreaming my parents were being murdered…but now I'd like to go back to that." ―Moxxie, to Blitzo % "♫ Of all the imps in Hell, it's for her that I fell. Oh, Millie~ ♫" ―The final lines of the song "Oh, Millie" % "Are you FUCKING filming us right now?!" ―Moxxie, realizing that he and Millie were being filmed by Blitzo % "But... it's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family? Maybe like a shitty dad... or a mob family... (Italian accent) That's understandable. (normal) But to eradicate an entire innocent--seemingly in this instance--upper middle class family bloodline?!?" ―Moxxie, to Millie % "Wait-- Are we actually killing a FAMILY?!?!" ―Moxxie, on the job % "But... Ho- Hold on, hold on! Let's just think about this--" ―Moxxie, before fumbling Blitzo's shot % "(disturbing froglike wheeze) I'm sorry..... they just seemed so wholesome and happy! I panicked!!" ―Moxxie, after fucking up Blitzo's shot at Martha % "Ohh…crumbs." ―Moxxie, realizing he was in the house of a psychopath family % "I will call your Earthly authorities and they will make sure you are dealt with, fairly. I'm handling this, my way." ―Moxxie to Ralphie % "Do you have a phone to summon 911?" ―Moxxie after he accidentally turns on the TV % "Oh, crumbs. I knew today would be a lot. What do you need? Antiacids, Ibuprofen, Morphine?" ―Moxxie asking Octavia % "Oh, right. But she said it was literal.." ―Moxxie, to himself % "That is deeply upsetting." ―Moxxie talking about his opinion on the animatronic % "No. Theme parks always disturb me. Especially the mascots." ―Moxxie, expressing his strong dislike for theme parks and mascots % "Don't talk to me! I KNOW you're a pervert under there!" ―Moxxie calling out a Loo Loo Land mascot % "Finally, some...THING I can handle. Okay! One game, please!" ―Moxxie, determined to win a Thing for Millie % "A- are you KIDDING me?! You... you... you CHARLATAN!" ―Moxxie, to the carnie imp % "The "everything is now on fire" kind." ―Moxxie to Stolas % "Way to ruin another good thing, sir!" ―Moxxie telling to Blitzo % "YOU dated a pop star?!" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo % "I just…is she blind?! Suffering some form of brain damage?" ―Moxxie, about Verosika % "Sir... how about you let me go in and try to reason her? I don't really listen to what's classified as "pop genre" music, so her status to me is name recognition alone.... ....In my opinion, her music is a bit derivative of--" ―Moxxie, offering to reason with Verosika % "Please don't condescend me, ma'am. I-" ―Moxxie, being taunted by Verosika's gang. % "A... kind offer, but.... I'm married." ―Moxxie, when asked if he wants a kiss % "Well why don't YOU take an art class?!" ―Moxxie, after Blitzo insults him % "I think you're missing the biggest issue, sir. Isn't it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren't just going up to massacre!" ―Moxxie, pointing out flaws in Blitzo's plan % "Sir, there is no way we're going to get enough clients by the end of the day with one, HORRIBLY SPELLED, BAD GRAMMAR FLYER!" ―Moxxie, criticizing Blitzo's advertizement % "And... we've lost him. It's looking like it's up to us handle this list." ―Moxxie talking to Millie after Blitz goes off to do his own thing % "Miiillie!! Hiii! Heyy... Hey, when did you get four heads? I wanna kiss 'em!" ―Drunk Moxxie, talking to Millie % "Ooooh. Fish." ―Drunk Moxxie % "I love that woman." ―Drunk Moxxie, referring to Millie % "This is funny. I'm sooooo drinky." ―Drunk Moxxie % "Oh, Satan! Hehehe. You gon' be so FAAAAHHCKED!...." ―Drunk Moxxie % "A human called me a possum. I am NOT a possum!" ―Drunk Moxxie, telling Verosika that one person mistook him for a possum % "That's kind of hot." ―Moxxie, regarding Loopty Goopty wanting to torture Lyle Lipton for eternity % "Gee. I wonder who's house this is." ―Moxxie, to the tour guide % "Lyle Lipton, it is our...humble opinion that you should continue the process to commit die." ―Moxxie, to Lyle Lipton % "I have some assault weapons, crossbow, hunting bow, tommy gun, old-fashioned shotgun, revolvers in three colors, chainsaws, katanas--" ―Moxxie, listing what's in his weaponry stash % "Oh, and you three are so superior to us just because we want some selfish, greedy, authoritarian capitalist to keel over dead!" ―Moxxie, to Collin % "We can’t. There’s literally nothing bad about opera. That’s fact." ―Moxxie, about opera % "Well, well. Would'ya look at that? YOU did our job for us!" ―Moxxie, to C.H.E.R.U.B when Lyle Lipton dies % "You know, more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I’ve researched the history of weaponry extensively. And it’s inspiring how… for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hell’s combative… I mean… (says in deep voice) war fun." ―Moxxie, attempting to impress Millie's parents % "I was born here, too! I have some fight in me!" ―Moxxie, to Joe % "Oh! Right, right... I knew that." ―Moxxie, when Striker tasks him with wrestling a demon hog % "Ow... My clavicle!" ―Moxxie, when he broke his clavicle % "Oh, I’mma enter in those games." ―Moxxie, serious on entering the Pain Games % "Motherfuck--!" ―Moxxie, about to receive an elbow drop from a shark % "Alright, so he has the physical advantage. I’m better at other things, like singing!" ―Moxxie, about Striker % "Ugh, what the FUCK?!" ―Moxxie, getting angry when Striker sings an arrogant song about winning the Harvest Moon Pain Games % "Well, that’s troubling." ―Moxxie, suspicious about the door behind Striker's room % "Oh, my crumbles! A genuine carmine-crafted blessing-tipped rifle! How… How in the fuck did he get one o' these?!" ―Moxxie, upon finding out Striker has the possession of the Carmine-Crafted Blessing-Tipped Rifle % "I’m relatively concerned by your possession of this... I’m also glad my instant dislike of you has been vali--DATED!" ―Moxxie, to Striker % "I'm not good with my hands? ... Ohhhhh... Right. Yeah, yeah. I... I probably should've used this earlier, huh?" ―Moxxie, realizing he should’ve used his gun % "You gonna finish that fucking sentence? Pard'ner?" ―Moxxie, interrupting Striker % "Who’s weak now, BITCH--?!" ―Moxxie, about to fire another shot towards Striker before Loona whacks him with a door % "You know, she protected me. And maybe I'm not a strong, beefy dick-head, but Millie has the strength enough for the both of us! You two are getting on her case for getting hurt by a psychopath YOU hired?! Shaaame on you!!" ―Moxxie, to Millie's parents % "So…is that progress?" ―Moxxie, after Millie walks away on crutches % "I... I smell..... colours....." ―Moxxie, after being hit by a tranquilizer dart % "I'll have a neapolitan cappuccino, more cappu than cino, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk (the beans won't have the right texture, otherwise), and make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup (they always put 'Foxy' or 'Roxy' I hate that). If you can't handle that I'll have a venti traditional Misto please use soy milk with two blonde shots affogato AND RISTRETTO!! I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom then add the coffee after then add--" ―Moxxie's coffee order % "When you say 'torture' do you mean physical or psychological? Physical seems counterproductive. We would likely tell you anything if it meant an end to the pain, and you would have no way of knowing what was true." ―Moxxie's reply when being threatened with torture by Agent 2. % "I'm a Virgo!" ―Moxxie responding to Agent 2's question % "Well, your suit is tacky! Fuck, I'm sorry!!" ―Moxxie, insulting Blitzo's suit % "Shitty taste?! You said you liked that musical I reccommended to you! You... you said you loved it!" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo % "♫ No, what? How could this be? I've never tried acid, 'shrooms, or DMT! It's a bad trip! Oy, gevalt! Of course, Blitzo, this would be your fault! My lungs are full of honesty, would you promise me that you won't judge? Not trying to divulge too much, but I'm in too deep, so first of all... FUCK YOU!! This is just typical, well two can play at this game of dismay! 'Cause if YOU'RE here, causing frustration, I'm torturing you in YOUR hallucination! ♫" ―Moxxie, singing in his trip % "I simply follow your orders, it isn't my fault if your orders are as nonsensical as a sun tanning bed left out on the cold rainy porch of a fresh April shower. I am simply speaking Satan's plain English, perhaps you should crack open a dictionary sometime and then maybe you could understand a half of the frivolous things I carry on and on about." ―Moxxie's hallucination when Blitzo sees him % "♫Why does it seem like a recurring theme that you alienate in your toxic routine? ..... Because you're thoughtless, and cruel, and you'll end up ALONE!!♫" ―Moxxie, to Hallucination Blitzo % "Admit it, my dear boss; you don't what you're doing half the time! And you depend on me and the missus to manage your foolish flights of fancy." ―Moxxie's hallucination insulting Blitzo % "I believe your subconscious is trying to tell you that you simply cannot fathom proper intimacy but also crave it as well. It's rather unfortunate, sir. Considering it's often how you treat those that stand by you such as myself. Are you worried I may have enough of it one day, as well?" ―Moxxie's hallucination before Blitzo's trip starts to devolve % "I remember. You told me I did a good job and that you were proud to work with me, I feel you wanted to say something more judgmental. But, you said that because I needed it, and it helped." ―Moxxie, to Blitzo about his first day working at I.M.P % "There's my Millie!" ―Moxxie, once Millie shows up % "Yes please, I'd like to get back to the correct hell-hole as soon as possible." ―Moxxie, when Stolas shows up % "Well, you better stay jazzed, babe! Cuz' guess where I'm taking you tonight." ―Moxxie, to Millie before mentioning Ozzie's % "Actually sir, it's our one year marriage anniversary so I'm taking Millie to Ozzie's in the Lust Ring!" ―Moxxie, to Blizo when he gets interrupts by him. % "Uh, no. The reservations is for us. Just us. Without you there. Explicitly without you there." ―Moxxie, when Blitzo says he'll join them to Ozzie's % "Hello, everyone. Oh-ahem, hi... thank you for letting me be here, it's an honor to play." ―Moxxie, to the audience % "This song is for my beautiful wife, a surprise for our first anniversary. I love you Millie." ―Moxxie, before preforming his song in Ozzie's % "♫ I love you. More than the brimstone loves the fire, more than Beelze loves her bub, More than a maggot loves gangrenes stubs. You make my spirit sing. Yeah, you make me glad I live in Hell. Our love is a story sweet to tell. Yeah you cast a special Satanic spell. Over my heart. Love is a journey we decided to start. Yeah, I hope we'll never ever be apart. I love you! (x6) ♫" ―Moxxie singing his song to Millie % "♫ I love us, I love us just the way we are. Don't have to pretend to like to do things we don't. I've always got you around to laugh at my stupid jokes. I'll never take you for granted. I'll always give you my best. And if you can offer the same thing. We'll handle the rest. 'Cause I love you. 'Cause I love you. ♫" ―Moxxie, continuing his song % "Millie! These artists put their heart and soul into their work! I can't just give it back like it's worthless!" ―Moxxie, about some stranger's mixtape % "You know, I checked the scale today. and it said I lost two pounds this week." ―Moxxie, to Loona % "I. Am not. FAT!" ―Moxxie, to Loona after she rolled her eyes. % "Millie, honey. is everything okay?" ―Moxxie, to Millie % "Sorry, sir. I'll get this all cleaned--" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo % "I hate this place." ―Moxxie, about Notamafia Town % "I-I don't really like to talk about this part of my life. I first saw Chaz at my induction in the family. Our eyes met from across the room. And there was just something about him. Something that was magnetic!" ―Moxxie, about how he first met Chaz % "It's been 84 years..." ―Moxxie, referencing the Titantic movie % "Anyway. Things changed when we went on a heist together." ―Moxxie, about how Chaz betrays Moxxie during the bank robbing heist % "Once I got out, I never looked back." ―Moxxie, about how he first met Blitzo at the prison and left Crimson's mafia % "You called him a "friendless horse-fucker" and said he lived a "sissy lifestyle"." ―Moxxie, to Crimson, about Chaz % "Wait, what? What do you think I'm into?" ―Moxxie, to Crimson, after seeing dildos in the mansion % "Okay, first off - Dad, I'm bisexual." ―Moxxie, to Crimson, about his sexuality % "Oh, for fuck's sake! Secondly, I don't know a single person of any sexuality who would enjoy this." ―Moxxie, about the dildos % "Ugh. Just get out of here!" ―Moxxie, when seeing Chaz in his room % "I'm married, Chaz. And, even if I weren't, I would never." ―Moxxie, to Chaz % "You are so gross! Just leave me alone!" ―Moxxie, when he is still harassed by Chaz % "I said I'm not doing it, sir! I've spent my whole life being afraid of you, but I'm not letting you take the only good thing I've ever had so you can keep your fragile sense of control over everything. Millie is a good woman, a better woman than I deserve and nothing scares me more than hurting her, not even you. I'm leaving, Dad, and if you or Herpes the Clown over here try and stop me, you'll learn first hand just how good I've gotten at my job." ―Moxxie, standing up to Crimson % "Millie, thank you for saving me. You're amazing." ―Moxxie, to Millie after she saved him from his forced wedding % "How many cowboys do you know?" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo % "What does he look like, your highness?" ―Moxxie, to Stolas % "That's Striker, sir!" ―Moxxie, upon realizing who Stolas is referring to. % "We can do it, sir. Together we are a lethal combo and we both have a score to settle with that dickhead." ―Moxxie, about fighting Striker % "Oh, sorry. My wife just put this hat on my head. You know, because it was...hot...outside..." ―Moxxie, explaining to the biker gang leader about his hat % "*sighs* So, we're doing this, huh?" ―Moxxie, before getting in a fight with the biker gang % "Ooooh... Harder..." ―Moxxie, when Striker tries to strangles him again % "You cowboy PIECE OF SHIT!!!" ―Moxxie, to Striker % "Oh, crumbs! We've got to get him to a hospital!" ―Moxxie, when Stolas is badly wounded and unconscious % "Hmm, we don't typically do investigations. I'll have to check with the boss." ―Moxxie, to the client about I.M.P business % "You want me to lead? On a hit?" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo % "We'll take the case! And I'll be handling this investigation, personally." ―Moxxie, accepting his client's request % "And this is going to be the cleanest, most well-prepped, most surgical hit we've ever had! Don't worry, sir! We'll find your killer and give him what's coming to him." ―Moxxie, when he's in charge on the latest hit % "It's my first lead, Mills. It has to be... perfect. Now, in front of you, you'll find a comprehensive guide to your cover persona. *slams the board* Memorize it. We've got a lot of work to do." ―Moxxie, to Millie % "I'm Moxxine, I'm the prettiest girl in my school, and all the boys want me. My favorite colooooor is hot pink, because normal pink is sooooooooo basic. I like horses, puppies, fast cars, jewelry- And I got my first period last year, and it was SOOOOO HEAVY. I guess I'm just more mature than your typical preteen... So, you wanna be frieeeeeeends?" ―Moxxie, introducing himself to the campers % "All week it's been "Oh look at Millerd! Isn't HE great?" "Oh, look how talented Millerd is!" We have a job to do, and you're off dancing for views! Why does it matter SO MUCH how these yokels feel about you?" ―Moxxie, to Millie % "You know her?!" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo, about Barbie Wire % "Sir, that guy's the target!" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo, about Counselor Jimmy % "He killed our client, and now our client wants to kill him back." ―Moxxie, to Barbie, about Counselor Jimmy % "And you teamed up with genius here because...?" ―Moxxie, to Barbie, about her working with Counselor Jimmy % "Sir... I've spent a week on this... I'm finishing it, one way, or another…" ―Moxxie, to Blitzo % "You did it. I'm so proud of you, Millie. And I'm sorry I let you down." ―Moxxie, to Millie %