_NAME=netbox _create_user() { getent passwd ${_NAME} > /dev/null || useradd -d /opt/${_NAME} -s /bin/false -r ${_NAME} > /dev/null } post_install() { _create_user # Create a directory in /run if it does not exist if [ ! -d /run/${_NAME} ]; then mkdir /run/${_NAME} chown ${_NAME}. /run/${_NAME} chmod 775 /run/${_NAME} fi echo "" echo -e "Follow the instructions on http://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/netbox/" echo -e "to finish the configuration, and enable and start the systemd " echo -e "service: " echo " systemctl enable --now netbox.service" echo "" echo -e "Tweak the netbox and gunicorn configuration in " echo "/etc/netbox/configuration.py and /etc/netbox/gunicorn_config.py" echo "" } post_upgrade() { _create_user echo "" echo "To end the migration, use the following commands:" echo " /opt/netbox/manage.py migrate" echo " /opt/netbox/manage.py collectstatic --noinput" echo "" } post_remove() { userdel -f ${_NAME} }