#!/usr/bin/bash set -u if [ "${EUID}" -ne 0 ]; then echo 'Must be root!' exit 1 fi _fn_install() { # From https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/servers/new-relic-servers-linux/installation-configuration/servers-installation-other-linux systemctl daemon-reload # in case the admin has edited the file local _RUNAS="$(sed -ne 's:^User=\(.*\)$:\1:p' '/usr/lib/systemd/system/newrelic-sysmond.service')" # Create the newrelic user and group if [ ! -z "${_RUNAS}" -a "${_RUNAS}" != 'root' ]; then #useradd --system -M --home / --shell '/usr/bin/nologin' "${_RUNAS}" || : groupadd -r "${_RUNAS}" || : useradd -r -g "${_RUNAS}" -d "/.${_RUNAS}" -s '/usr/bin/nologin' -c 'New Relic monitoring daemon' "${_RUNAS}" || : mkdir -p "/.${_RUNAS}" chmod 700 "/.${_RUNAS}" chown -R "${_RUNAS}:${_RUNAS}" "/.${_RUNAS}" fi chown -R "root:${_RUNAS}" '/etc/newrelic/' chown -R "root:${_RUNAS}" '/var/log/newrelic' #chmod 750 '/etc/newrelic/' # WTF were they thinking with chmod 600? # Kludge the permissions (now done in PKGBUILD) #mkdir -p '/var/log/newrelic' #chmod 1777 '/var/log/newrelic' local _deffile='/etc/default/newrelic-sysmond' local _cfgfile="$(source "${_deffile}"; echo "${cfgfile:-/etc/newrelic/nrsysmond.cfg}")" # This file contains nothing needing group access so it doesn't need to be chown to group any more #chown "root:${_RUNAS}" "${_cfgfile}" #chmod 640 ${_cfgfile} # # When first installing the package, the license key will not be set. # Instead of throwing an error, we want to whine to the user and then exit cleanly. # if sed -e '/^[ \t]*#/d' "${_cfgfile}" | grep -ql 'REPLACE_WITH_REAL_KEY'; then #if [ -z "${NR_SILENT}" -a -z "${SILENT}" ]; then # # WARNING - This text is duplicated from newrelic-sysmond.init # cat < *** *** No data will be reported until the server monitor can start. *** You can get your New Relic key from the 'Configuration' section *** of the 'Support' menu of your New Relic account (accessible at *** https://rpm.newrelic.com ) *** ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* Then, enable and start your server: systemctl enable newrelic-sysmond.service systemctl start newrelic-sysmond.service systemctl status newrelic-sysmond.service EOF #fi fi } _fn_remove() { # What happens if we install two New Relic packages then uninstall one? # We lose our user and the remaining package doesn't run, right? # Until someone figures out a better way we'll let an upgrade fix it. local _RUNAS="$(sed -ne 's:^User=\(.*\)$:\1:p' '/usr/lib/systemd/system/newrelic-sysmond.service')" if [ ! -z "${_RUNAS}" -a "${_RUNAS}" != 'root' ] && [ "$(id -u "${_RUNAS}")" -ge 990 ]; then userdel "${_RUNAS}" || : groupdel "${_RUNAS}" || : fi } case "${1-}" in install) _fn_install;; remove) _fn_remove;; *) echo "Usage $(basename "$0") remove|install";; esac # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: