[updater] # only needed when using the REST API user = admin # only needed when using the REST API password = admin # how many threads to use threads = 10 # update interval in seconds interval = 900 # 'info' for logging accessed urls, 'error' to only log errors loglevel = error # absolute path or url to nextcloud instance (url, when using the REST API) url = /usr/share/webapps/nextcloud # absolute path to custom php.ini #phpini = /path/to/custom/php.ini # v1-2 for nextcloud-app-news < 9.0.0, v2 for nextcloud-app-news >= 9.0.0 apilevel = v1-2 # 'endless' (script handles update interval itself) or 'singlerun' (when using systemd timer) mode = endless