post_install() { echo "nfs-utils-rdma-client After nfs-utils-rdma-server is installed, configured, and running on the server, run: mount -t nfs4 -o rdma,port=,vers=4.0 :/ / server port: Use the value in the server's /etc/nfs-utils-rdma-server.conf (default 20049) ip address or name: Using an ip address is recommended, since you likely have two routes to the server, this forces it to use the RDMA-capable interface. NOTE: The ip address is used for basic communication. The actual file data transfers happen using RDMA. share name: The full path of the directory shared on the server. i.e. /home/user mount point: The local mount point you want to use NOTE: If you omit "vers=4.0", it will default to using v4.2. v4.1 and v4.2 do not yet support RDMA, and you will experience undefined behavior - likely the mount will look complete, but when you use it (even cd or ls), the command will hang. " }