# Some colored makepkg-like functions msg_blue() { printf "${BLUE}==>${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${1}${ALL_OFF}\n" } note() { printf "${BLUE}==>${ALL_OFF}${YELLOW} NOTE:${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${1}${ALL_OFF}\n" } ALL_OFF="$(tput sgr0)" BOLD="$(tput bold)" BLUE="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 4)" YELLOW="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 3)" post_install() { note "To use with systemd, call 'systemctl --user enable pass-server-node' to enable the service for the first login session. You may configure the server using npm: npm config set pass-server-node:port 8080 npm config set pass-server-node:password_store_dir ~/.password-store See https://github.com/cpoppema/pass-server-node for documentation." } post_upgrade() { post_install }