post_install() { echo echo '!!! NOTE !!!' echo 'It is *strongly* encouraged to add users to the "users" group (usermod -aG users ) if they will be running nQuake. Trust me. If you hit a bug and you are using a user not in the users group, you are testing bad and you should feel bad.' echo echo "nQuake Server has been installed. Please copy the retail pak1.pak files (as exactly that filename) to /opt/quake/id1/ and do (as root): chmod 0775 /opt/quake/id1/*.pak ; chgrp users /opt/quake/id1/*.pak'" echo "Also remember to run nquakesv-init as the user(s) that will be running nquakesv." if [ ! -f "/opt/quake/id1/pak0.pak" ]; then cp /opt/quake/id1/pak0.pak.DEMO /opt/quake/id1/pak0.pak fi } post_upgrade() { # fix group ownerships... find /opt/quake -group games -exec chgrp users '{}' \; }