# Do not make modifications to this file, as they may not survive update. # Instead, copy it to /etc/systemd/system/, and modify it there; then, run # sudo systemctl reenable oml2-server.service # That modified copy will override the parameters here. # # See systemd(1) for details. # [Unit] Description=OML2 measurements collection server After=network.target # SQLite3 backend (and logs) RequiresMountsFor=/var # Uncomment the following lines when using the PostgreSQL backend #Requires=postgresql.service #After=postgresql.service [Service] Type=simple # This creates SQLite3 databases in /var/oml2, use # "--data-dir=DIR" # to override. # # See oml2-server(1) for details. ExecStart=/usr/bin/oml2-server -l 3003 --logfile=/var/log/oml2-server.log --user=oml2 --group=oml2 # Add the following to the ExecStart line to enable and configure the PostgreSQL # backend #--backend=postgresql --pg-host=localhost --pg-port=5432 --pg-user=oml2 --pg-pass=correcthorsebatterystaple [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target