post_install() { exec /usr/etc/openca/ echo "Remember to add these lines in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" echo "" echo "# OpenCa" echo "Include conf/extra/openca/online.conf" echo "Include conf/extra/openca/offline.conf" echo "Include conf/extra/openca/common.conf" echo "" echo "Do /etc/rc.d/openca start and choose the Web interface password (Username: admin)" echo "Remember to execute apache web server and the db daemon (e.g MySql)" echo "For DB -- Username: openca Password: openca DB: openca" chmod 777 -R /var/openca/log/xml/* } post_remove() { echo "Remember to remove these lines in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" echo "" echo "# OpenCa" echo "Include conf/extra/openca/online.conf" echo "Include conf/extra/openca/offline.conf" echo "Include conf/extra/openca/common.conf" rm -r /usr/etc/openca rm -r /srv/http/html/pki/ }