# arg 1: the new package version post_install() { echo "NOTE:" echo "" echo "This install of OpenFOAM does NOT include the" echo "ThirdParty libraries from openfoam's website." echo "It simply creates a stub OpenFOAM/ThirdParty" echo "directory to keep the OpenFOAM bashrc happy." echo "" echo "The most common use of ThirdParty is to get Paraview." echo "Modern versions of Paraview include an OpenFOAM" echo "case file viewer. Instead of installing the ThirdParty" echo "build of Paraview, using the AUR paraview package is" echo "advised. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/paraview" echo "" echo "If you need other components of the ThirdParty bundle" echo "it will have to be installed manually." echo "See http://www.openfoam.com/download/source.php for details." echo "" echo "Don't forget to run the \"ofoam\" alias in order to" echo "source the OpenFOAM environment (PATH + LD_LIBRARY_PATH)." echo "This alias has been introduced in order to avoid" echo "PATH clashes (e.g. other executables such as R from GNU R)" echo "" } # arg 1: the new package version # arg 2: the old package version post_upgrade() { post_install $1 }