import logging import os, sys import random import sys import time import gui from threading import Thread from termcolor import cprint from core import OpenLeecher from kbhit import KBHit # Core class # Handles the core, can be threaded # Args : None class Core(Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self, self.core = OpenLeecher() def run(self): ol = Core() # Show Help # Display help in console # Args : None def show_help(): cprint("OpenLeecher v" + ol.core.VERSION, 'blue', attrs=['bold']) cprint("Made by lwsk", 'blue') cprint("\n", 'blue') cprint("Command line arguments:", attrs=['bold']) cprint("\t-b 0 : set behavior") cprint("\t-g IPGenerator : set generator(s)") cprint("\t-s WEBScanner FTPScanner : set scanner(s)") cprint("\t-t 8 : set thread limit at 8") cprint("\t-h : display help") cprint("\nBehaviors", attrs=['bold']) cprint("\t0 : Random") cprint("\t1 : Intelligent") cprint("\t2 : Complete") cprint("\nAvailable generator(s):", attrs=['bold']) for g in ol.core.generator.g: cprint("\t" + g.__class__.__name__) cprint("\nAvailable scanner(s):", attrs=['bold']) for s in ol.core.scanner.s: cprint("\t" + s.__class__.__name__) # Reset UI # Clear console screen and re-draw UI # Args : None def reset_UI(): os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print(""".-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-. | | | OpenLeecher v"""+ol.core.VERSION+""" | | | | Generators : |""") for g in ol.core.generator.g: if is True: print(""" | """+str(g.__class__.__name__).strip()+""" |""") print(""" ! ! : : : Scanners : :""") for s in ol.core.scanner.s: if is True: print(""" . """+str(s.__class__.__name__).strip()+""" .""") print(""" : : : : ! ! | Controls : | | 'o' Raise maximum thread limit | | 'l' Lower maximum thread limit | | 'p' Toggle auto-open | | space Pause/Resume generator | | 'q' / esc Quit | | | `-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' """) print("\n") def run_core(): running = True reset_UI() kb = KBHit() while running: if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if len(c) > 0: if c == 'q' or ord(c) is 27: # esc running = False elif c == 'o': ol.core.maxthreads += 1 elif c == 'l': if ol.core.maxthreads > 0: ol.core.maxthreads -= 1 elif c == 'p': ol.core.autoopen = not ol.core.autoopen elif ord(c) is 32 : # space ol.core.paused = not ol.core.paused #else: #sys.stdout.write('\r' + 'Keycode not registered ' + str(ord(c)) + '\n') pre = "" if ol.core.paused is True: pre += '[PAUSED] ' if ol.core.autoopen is True: pre += '[AUTO-OPEN] ' sys.stdout.write("\r" + pre + str(len(ol.core.threads)) + "/" + str(ol.core.maxthreads) + " threads running" + ('.' * random.randint(1, 3)) + " ") # Notifications if len(ol.core.scanner.results) > 0: x = ol.core.scanner.results.pop(0) sys.stdout.write("\r" + "Found " + str(x.p) + " @ " + str(x.v) + '\n') time.sleep(0.04) sys.stdout.write("\r" + "Quitting OpenLeecher..." + "\n")"Quitting OpenLeecher...") sys.exit(0) def start(): for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): a = sys.argv[i] if str(a) == '-h': show_help() run = False"Quitting OpenLeecher...") sys.exit(0) elif str(a) == '--gui': gui.launch() elif str(a) == '-t': try: ol.core.maxthreads = int(sys.argv[i + 1]) except: run = False cprint("Error !", 'red', attrs=['bold']), print("Thread limit argument (-t) value is invalid") elif str(a) == '-b': try: ol.core.behavior = int(sys.argv[i + 1]) except: run = False cprint("Error !", 'red', attrs=['bold']), print("Thread limit argument (-t) value is invalid") elif str(a) == '-g': j = 1 try: while str(sys.argv[i + j]).startswith('-') is False: if ol.core.generator.activate(str(sys.argv[i + j])) is False: cprint("Error !", 'red', attrs=['bold']), print("Generator " + str(sys.argv[i + j]) + " cannot be loaded.") logging.error("Error : Generator " + str(sys.argv[i + j]) + " cannot be loaded.") break j += 1 except: pass elif str(a) == '-s': j = 1 try: while str(sys.argv[i + j]).startswith('-') is False: if ol.core.scanner.activate(str(sys.argv[i + j])) is False: cprint("Error !", 'red', attrs=['bold']), print("Scanner " + str(sys.argv[i + j]) + " cannot be loaded.") logging.error("Error : Scanner " + str(sys.argv[i + j]) + " cannot be loaded.") break j += 1 except: pass if ol.core.can_run() is True: ol.start() run_core() else: cprint("Error !", 'red', attrs=['bold']) print("There must be at least one generator and one scanner active.") logging.error("Error : There must be at least one generator and one scanner active.") logging.warning("Cannot start session.")"Quitting OpenLeecher...") sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': start()