pre_install() { groupadd cloud useradd -g cloud -c "OpenNebula administrator account" -s /usr/bin/bash oneadmin } post_install() { # Append the oneadmin credentials to one_auth to avoid overwriting a file # that may already exist usermod -m -d /var/lib/one oneadmin if [ ! -f /var/lib/one/.one/one_auth ]; then mkdir -p /var/lib/one/.one/ echo 'oneadmin:0neadm1n' >> /var/lib/one/.one/one_auth echo ">> You must edit the password in /var/lib/one/.one/one_auth" fi chown oneadmin:cloud -R /var/log/one /var/lib/one /run/one /run/lock/one } pre_remove() { userdel oneadmin && echo ">> User 'oneadmin' has been removed." groupdel cloud && echo ">> Group 'cloud' has been removed." } post_remove() { echo ">> You can uninstall the Ruby gems if no other packages require them." echo ">> For example, 'gem uninstall sequel' would uninstall the 'sequel' Ruby gem." echo ">> If you installed the Ruby gems via pacman, then uninstall the gems via pacman." }