post_install() { #chmod g+s "/opt/osu/game/" #chmod g+w "/opt/osu/game/" update-desktop-database -q echo "To run this game, you have to be in 'games' group" echo "Use 'sudo gpasswd -a YOUR_USERNAME games'" echo echo "If you experience sound lag with alsa, you might try to add something like" echo " in your $HOME/.asoundrc (or /etc/asound.conf)" echo echo "If you use pulseaudio, try your luck tuning" echo "default-fragments and default-fragment-size-msec in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf" echo echo "If you experience sound crackling, play with" echo "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DirectSound\SndQueueMax in regedit" echo "(set it to 3 or more)" } post_remove() { update-desktop-database -q }