source "/usr/share/makepkg/util/" pre_install() { colorize # check for already defined http(s)_proxy RESULT=$(grep -r -E '(http_proxy=)|(HTTP_PROXY=)|(https_proxy=)|(HTTPS_PROXY=)' \ ${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}/etc/profile.d | cut -d':' -f1 | sort | uniq) if [[ "x${RESULT}" != "x" ]];then warning "Found these scripts setting the enviroment variables http_proxy & HTTP_PROXY:" while read -ra FILES; do for FILE in "${FILES[@]}"; do echo ${FILE} done done <<< "${RESULT}" warning "You have to either remove those definitions, or set them manually to 'localhost:3128'." warning "Otherwise, pac4cli may fail to work properly." fi } pre_upgrade() { colorize IS_ACTIVE=$(systemctl is-active pac4cli 2>/dev/null) if [[ "xIS_ACTIVE" == "xactive" ]]; then msg2 "Stopping pac4cli service..." systemctl stop pac4cli fi } post_upgrade() { colorize if [[ "x$IS_ACTIVE" == "xactive" ]]; then warning "You need to reload systemd daemons and start pac4cli service." warning "# systemd daemon-reload" warning "# systemd start pac4cli" fi } post_install() { colorize msg "You need to restart your machine and then start pac4cli service." } pre_remove() { systemctl stop pac4cli systemctl disable pac4cli }