## Set Colors (copied from makepkg) if tput setaf 0 >/dev/null; then ALL_OFF="$(tput sgr0)" BOLD=$(tput bold) RED="$(tput setaf 1)" GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)" YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)" BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)" PURPLE="$(tput setaf 5)" CYAN="$(tput setaf 6)" else ALL_OFF="\e[1;0m" BOLD="\[1;1m" RED="\e[1;31m" GREEN="\e[1;32m" YELLOW="\e[1;33m" BLUE="\e[1;34m" PURPLE="\e[1:35m" CYAN="\e[1:36m" fi COLS="$(tput cols)" readonly ALL_OFF BOLD RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE PURPLE CYAN COLS repeat(){ printf "%.0s$1" $(seq "45") && echo } post_install() { if [[ -f /usr/bin/tbsm ]]; then printf "${RED} _ _ (_)| | _ __ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ _ | |_ _ _ | '_ \ / _' | / __|| '_ ' _ \ / _' || '_ \ | || __|| | | | | |_) || (_| || (__ | | | | | || (_| || | | || || |_ | |_| | | .__/ \__,_| \___||_| |_| |_| \__,_||_| |_||_| \__| \__, | | | __/ | |_| |___/ ${ALL_OFF}\n" repeat '-' printf "BEFORE FRIST INSTALL PLEASE READ\n" printf "run '${GREEN}pacmanity_install${ALL_OFF}' to link to gists\n" repeat '-' fi } post_upgrade() { post_install }