# paperless.conf # Set at least the values for # PAPERLESS_CONSUMPTION_DIR # PAPERLESS_PASSPHRASE # If you want to run the default django-webserver comming with paperless on a # public network, also set # PAPERLESS_ALLOWED_HOSTS ############################################################################### #### Paths & Folders #### ############################################################################### # This where your documents should go to be consumed. Make sure that it exists # and that the user running the paperless service can read/write its contents # before you start Paperless. PAPERLESS_CONSUMPTION_DIR="" # You can specify where you want the SQLite database to be stored instead of # the default location of /data/ within the install directory. #PAPERLESS_DBDIR=/path/to/database/file # Override the default MEDIA_ROOT here. This is where all files are stored. # The default location is /media/documents/ within the install folder. #PAPERLESS_MEDIADIR=/path/to/media # Override the default STATIC_ROOT here. This is where all static files # created using "collectstatic" manager command are stored. #PAPERLESS_STATICDIR="" # These values are required if you want paperless to check a particular email # box every 10 minutes and attempt to consume documents from there. If you # don't define a HOST, mail checking will just be disabled. PAPERLESS_CONSUME_MAIL_HOST="" PAPERLESS_CONSUME_MAIL_PORT="" PAPERLESS_CONSUME_MAIL_USER="" PAPERLESS_CONSUME_MAIL_PASS="" # Override the default IMAP inbox here. If not set Paperless defaults to # "INBOX". #PAPERLESS_CONSUME_MAIL_INBOX="INBOX" # Any email sent to the target account that does not contain this text will be # ignored. PAPERLESS_EMAIL_SECRET="" ############################################################################### #### Security #### ############################################################################### # You must have a passphrase in order for Paperless to work at all. If you set # this to "", GNUGPG will "encrypt" your PDF by writing it out as a zero-byte # file. # # The passphrase you use here will be used when storing your documents in # Paperless, but you can always export them in an unencrypted format by using # document exporter. See the documentation for more information. # # One final note about the passphrase. Once you've consumed a document with # one passphrase, DON'T CHANGE IT. Paperless assumes this to be a constant and # can't properly export documents that were encrypted with an old passphrase if # you've since changed it to a new one. PAPERLESS_PASSPHRASE="secret" # The secret key has a default that should be fine so long as you're hosting # Paperless on a closed network. However, if you're putting this anywhere # public, you should change the key to something unique and verbose. #PAPERLESS_SECRET_KEY="change-me" # If you're planning on putting Paperless on the open internet, then you # really should set this value to the domain name you're using. Failing to do # so leaves you open to HTTP host header attacks: # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/security/#host-headers-virtual-hosting # # Just remember that this is a comma-separated list, so "example.com" is fine, # as is "example.com,www.example.com", but NOT " example.com" or "example.com," #PAPERLESS_ALLOWED_HOSTS="example.com,www.example.com" # To host paperless under a subpath url like example.com/paperless you set # this value to /paperless. No trailing slash! # # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/settings/#force-script-name #PAPERLESS_FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME="" ############################################################################### #### Software Tweaks #### ############################################################################### # After a document is consumed, Paperless can trigger an arbitrary script if # you like. This script will be passed a number of arguments for you to work # with. The default is blank, which means nothing will be executed. For more # information, take a look at the docs: # http://paperless.readthedocs.org/en/latest/consumption.html#hooking-into-the-consumption-process #PAPERLESS_POST_CONSUME_SCRIPT="/path/to/an/arbitrary/script.sh" # # The following values use sensible defaults for modern systems, but if you're # running Paperless on a low-resource device (like a Raspberry Pi), modifying # some of these values may be necessary. # # By default, Paperless will attempt to use all available CPU cores to process # a document, but if you would like to limit that, you can set this value to # an integer: #PAPERLESS_OCR_THREADS=1 # Customize the default language that tesseract will attempt to use when # parsing documents. It should be a 3-letter language code consistent with ISO # 639: https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php #PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGE=eng # On smaller systems, or even in the case of Very Large Documents, the consumer # may explode, complaining about how it's "unable to extend pixel cache". In # such cases, try setting this to a reasonably low value, like 32000000. The # default is to use whatever is necessary to do everything without writing to # disk, and units are in megabytes. # # For more information on how to use this value, you should probably search # the web for "MAGICK_MEMORY_LIMIT". #PAPERLESS_CONVERT_MEMORY_LIMIT=0 # Similar to the memory limit, if you've got a small system and your OS mounts # /tmp as tmpfs, you should set this to a path that's on a physical disk, like # /home/your_user/tmp or something. ImageMagick will use this as scratch space # when crunching through very large documents. # # For more information on how to use this value, you should probably search # the web for "MAGICK_TMPDIR". #PAPERLESS_CONVERT_TMPDIR=/var/tmp/paperless # By default the conversion density setting for documents is 300DPI, in some # cases it has proven useful to configure a lesser value. # This setting has a high impact on the physical size of tmp page files, # the speed of document conversion, and can affect the accuracy of OCR # results. Individual results can vary and this setting should be tested # thoroughly against the documents you are importing to see if it has any # impacts either negative or positive. # Testing on limited document sets has shown a setting of 200 can cut the # size of tmp files by 1/3, and speed up conversion by up to 4x # with little impact to OCR accuracy. #PAPERLESS_CONVERT_DENSITY=300 # The number of seconds that Paperless will wait between checking # PAPERLESS_CONSUMPTION_DIR. If you tend to write documents to this directory # rarely, you may want to use a higher value than the default (10). #PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_LOOP_TIME=10 ############################################################################### #### Interface #### ############################################################################### # Override the default UTC time zone here. # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#std:setting-TIME_ZONE # for details on how to set it. #PAPERLESS_TIME_ZONE=UTC # The number of items on each page in the web UI. This value must be a # positive integer, but if you don't define one in paperless.conf, a default of # 100 will be used. #PAPERLESS_LIST_PER_PAGE=100