# PD Configuration. ## Human-readable name for this pd member. name = "pd" ## path to the data directory, default: "default.${name}". data-dir = "/var/lib/pd" client-urls = "" ## if not set, use ${client-urls} # advertise-client-urls = "" peer-urls = "" ## if not set, use ${peer-urls} # advertise-peer-urls = "" ## The initial cluster configuration for bootstrapping. # initial-cluster = "" # initial-cluster-state = "new" ## Set different tokens to prevent communication between PDs in different clusters. # initial-cluster-token = "pd-cluster" ## starts a new cluster even if previously started; unsafe. # force-new-cluster = false ## Join to an existing cluster. The value should be cluster's ${advertise-client-urls} # join = "" [security] ## Path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs. if set, following four settings shouldn't be empty # cacert-path = "" ## Path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format. # cert-path = "" ## Path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format. # key-path = "" ## A CN which must be provided by a client # cert-allowed-cn = ["example.com"] ## Whether or not to enable redact log. # redact-info-log = false [security.encryption] ## Encryption method to use for PD data. One of "plaintext", "aes128-ctr", "aes192-ctr" and "aes256-ctr". ## Defaults to "plaintext" if not set. # data-encryption-method = "plaintext" ## Specifies how often PD rotates data encryption key. Default is 7 days. # data-key-rotation-period = "168h" ## Specifies master key if encryption is enabled. There are three types of master key: ## ## * "plaintext": ## ## Plaintext as a master key means no master key is given and only applicable when ## encryption is not enabled, i.e. data-encryption-method = "plaintext". This type doesn't ## have sub-config items. Example: ## ## [security.encryption.master-key] ## type = "plaintext" ## ## * "kms": ## ## Use a KMS service to supply a master key. Currently, only AWS KMS is supported. This type of ## master key is recommended for production use. Example: ## ## [security.encryption.master-key] ## type = "kms" ## ## KMS CMK key id. Must be a valid KMS CMK where the TiKV process has access to. ## ## In production is recommended to grant access of the CMK to TiKV using IAM. ## key-id = "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab" ## ## AWS region of the KMS CMK. ## region = "us-west-2" ## ## (Optional) AWS KMS service endpoint. Only required when non-default KMS endpoint is ## ## desired. ## endpoint = "https://kms.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" ## ## * "file": ## ## Supply a custom encryption key stored in a file. It is recommended NOT to use in production, ## as it breaks the purpose of encryption at rest unless the file is stored in tempfs. ## The file must contain a 256-bits (32 bytes, regardless of key length implied by ## data-encryption-method) key encoded as a hex string and end with a newline ("\n"). Example: ## ## [security.encryption.master-key] ## type = "file" ## path = "/path/to/master/key/file" # [security.encryption.master-key] # type = "plaintext" [log] # level = "info" ## log format, one of json, text, console # format = "text" [log.file] ## Usually it is set through command line. # filename = "" ## max log file size in MB # max-size = 300 ## max log file keep days # max-days = 0 ## maximum number of old log files to retain # max-backups = 0 [pd-server] ## The metric storage is the cluster metric storage. This is use for query metric data. ## Currently we use prometheus as metric storage, we may use PD/TiKV as metric storage later. ## For usability, recommended to temporarily set it to the prometheus address, eg: # metric-storage = "" ## There are some values supported: "auto", "none", or a specific address, default: "auto". # dashboard-address = "auto" [schedule] ## Controls the size limit of Region Merge. # max-merge-region-size = 20 ## Specifies the upper limit of the Region Merge key. # max-merge-region-keys = 200000 ## Controls the time interval between the split and merge operations on the same Region. # split-merge-interval = "1h" ## When PD fails to receive the heartbeat from a store after the specified period of time, ## it adds replicas at other nodes. # max-store-down-time = "30m" ## Controls the time interval between write hot regions info into leveldb # hot-regions-write-interval= "10m" ## The day of hot regions data to be reserved. 0 means close. # hot-regions-reserved-days= 7 ## The number of Leader scheduling tasks performed at the same time. # leader-schedule-limit = 4 ## The number of Region scheduling tasks performed at the same time. # region-schedule-limit = 2048 ## The number of Replica scheduling tasks performed at the same time. # replica-schedule-limit = 64 ## The number of the Region Merge scheduling tasks performed at the same time. ## Set this parameter to 0 to disable Region Merge. # merge-schedule-limit = 8 ## The number of hot Region scheduling tasks performed at the same time. # hot-region-schedule-limit = 4 ## There are some policies supported: ["count", "size"], default: "count" # leader-schedule-policy = "count" ## When the score difference between the leader or Region of the two stores is ## less than specified multiple times of the Region size, it is considered in balance by PD. ## If it equals 0.0, PD will automatically adjust it. # tolerant-size-ratio = 0.0 ## The threshold ratio above which the capacity of the store is insufficient. ## If the space occupancy ratio of a store exceeds this threshold value, ## PD avoids migrating data to this store as much as possible. # low-space-ratio = 0.8 ## The default version of balance Region score calculation. # region-score-formula-version = "v2" ## These three parameters control the merge scheduler behavior. ## If it is true, it means a Region can only be merged into the next Region of it. # enable-one-way-merge = false ## If it is true, it means two Regions within different tables can be merged. ## This option only works when the key type is "table". # enable-cross-table-merge = false ## Whether or not to enable joint consensus. # enable-joint-consensus = true [replication] ## The number of replicas for each Region. # max-replicas = 3 ## The label keys specified the location of a store. ## The placement priorities are implied by the order of label keys. ## For example, ["zone", "rack"] means that we should place replicas to ## different zones first, then to different racks if we don't have enough zones. # location-labels = [] ## Strictly checks if the label of TiKV is matched with location labels. # strictly-match-label = false ## isolation-level is used to isolate replicas explicitly and forcibly if it's not empty. ## Its value must be empty or one of location-labels. ## Example: ## location-labels = ["zone", "rack", "host"] ## isolation-level = "zone" ## With configuration like above, PD ensures that all replicas be placed in different zones. ## Even if a zone is down, PD will not try to make up replicas in other zone ## because other zones already have replicas on it. # isolation-level = "" ## Whether or not to enable placement rules. # enable-placement-rules = true [dashboard] ## Configurations below are for the TiDB Dashboard embedded in the PD. ## The path of the CA certificate used to verify the TiDB server in TLS. # tidb-cacert-path = "" ## The path of the certificate used to connect to TiDB server in TLS. # tidb-cert-path = "" ## The path of the certificate private key. # tidb-key-path = "" ## The public path prefix to serve Dashboard URLs. It can be set when Dashboard ## is running behind a reverse proxy. Do not configure it if you access ## Dashboard directly. # public-path-prefix = "/dashboard" ## When enabled, the request will be proxied to the instance running Dashboard ## internally instead of result in a 307 redirection. # internal-proxy = false ## When enabled, usage data will be sent to PingCAP for improving user experience. # enable-telemetry = false [keyspaces] ## pre-alloc is used to pre-allocate keyspaces during pd bootstrap. ## Its value should be a list of strings, denotting the name of the keyspaces. ## Example: ## pre-alloc = ["admin", "user1", "user2"] # pre-alloc = []