#!/usr/bin/bash # # pgo.sh - Compile with, or utilize profile guided optimization # [[ -n "$LIBMAKEPKG_BUILDENV_PGO_SH" ]] && return LIBMAKEPKG_BUILDENV_PGO_SH=1 LIBRARY=${LIBRARY:-'@libmakepkgdir@'} source "$LIBRARY/util/message.sh" source "$LIBRARY/util/option.sh" build_options+=('pgo') buildenv_functions+=('buildenv_pgo') buildenv_pgo() { if check_buildoption "pgo" "y"; then [[ -n ${PROFDEST} ]] && _PROFDEST=$(canonicalize_path ${PROFDEST}) PROFDEST=${_PROFDEST:-$PROFDEST} PROFDEST=${PROFDEST:-$startdir} #default to $startdir if undefined if [[ ! -w $PROFDEST ]] ; then error "$(gettext "You do not have write permission to store profiles in %s.")" "$PROFDEST" plain "$(gettext "Aborting...")" exit 1 fi [[ "$INFAKEROOT" == 1 ]] && return if [[ ! -d $PROFDEST/$pkgbase.gen ]]; then pgoflags=" -fprofile-generate -fprofile-dir=$PROFDEST/$pkgbase.gen" pgoldflags=" -lgcov --coverage" msg2 "Profile data will be generated." elif [[ ! -d $PROFDEST/$pkgbase.used ]]; then mv $PROFDEST/$pkgbase.{gen,used} pgoflags=" -fprofile-correction -fprofile-use -fprofile-dir=$PROFDEST/$pkgbase.used" msg2 "Profile data will be applied." fi CFLAGS+="$pgoflags" CXXFLAGS+="$pgoflags" LDFLAGS+="$pgoldflags" fi }