## arg 1: the new package version post_install() { echo " A git repo exists now, and someone should make a git package. The patches that I have made, one of them is from there See: *https://betanzos.org/gmo/2020/01/13/pnp4nagios-function-get_magic_quotes_runtime-is-deprecated/ *https://github.com/lingej/pnp4nagios/issues/148 pnp4nagios is pretty rough to configure if you do not get what it is. It has a daemon that processes and converts nagios data, and some php to view it. I could not get synchronous mode working. I dont know why. Bulk mode is the way to go: http://docs.pnp4nagios.org/pnp-0.6/config You make sure to check the user and group in: /etc/pnp4nagios/npcd.cfg also systemctl start npcd also systemctl restart httpd but only after you enable modules in php.ini remember if you are using php-fpm you have to restart that too, I forgot I was, and it took a while to figure that out you also need to Include conf/extra/pnp4nagios.conf *I have patched it with the location of password file in aur nagios This was a great help too figuring things out: *https://support.nagios.com/kb/article/nagios-core-performance-graphs-using-pnp4nagios-801.html#Arch_Linux It helps you understand what php modules have to be installed. Once everything is said, and done visit server/pnp4nagios/ ,and see how things look...then you just have to rename install.php to install.php.old Good luck! " }