#include "portfolio.h" char* portfolio_file; void portfolio_file_init(void) { char* home = getenv("HOME"); char* path = (char*) malloc(strlen(home) + 30); if (path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(path, "%s/.tick_portfolio.json", home); portfolio_file = path; } char* portfolio_file_get_string(FILE* fp, size_t* len) { char* portfolio_string = calloc(65536, 1); if (portfolio_string == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "calloc() failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); size_t portfolio_size = (size_t) ftell(fp); if (len != NULL) *len = portfolio_size; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fread(portfolio_string, sizeof(char), portfolio_size, fp) != portfolio_size) return NULL; return portfolio_string; } void portfolio_modify(const char* ticker_name_string, double quantity_shares, double usd_spent, FILE* fp, int option) { if (quantity_shares < 0 || usd_spent < 0) { // Negative numbers printf("You must use positive values.\n"); return; } if (option != SET && quantity_shares == 0 && usd_spent == 0) { // Adding or removing 0 printf("You cannot add or remove values of 0.\n"); return; } size_t len; char* portfolio_string = portfolio_file_get_string(fp, &len); Json* jobj = NULL; if (len == 0) //new file jobj = json_object_new_array(); else jobj = json_tokener_parse(portfolio_string); //existing file char* password = NULL; if (jobj == NULL) { //ENCRYPTED PORTFOLIO password = rc4_getPassword(); printf("Decrypting portfolio...\n"); portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(DECRYPT, fp, password); fp = fopen(portfolio_file, "r+"); free(portfolio_string); portfolio_string = portfolio_file_get_string(fp, NULL); json_object_put(jobj); jobj = json_tokener_parse(portfolio_string); if (jobj == NULL) { free(portfolio_string); return; } } int index = portfolio_symbol_index(ticker_name_string, jobj); if (index == -1) { //if not already in portfolio if (option == REMOVE) { printf("You don't have any %s to remove.\n", ticker_name_string); free(portfolio_string); json_object_put(jobj); return; } if (strcmp("USD$", ticker_name_string) != 0) { double* data = api_get_current_price(ticker_name_string); // Curl data and check if NULL if (data == NULL) { printf("Invalid symbol.\n"); json_object_put(jobj); free(portfolio_string); return; } else free(data); } Json* new_object = json_object_new_object(); // Creates new array index and adds values to it json_object_array_add(jobj, new_object); json_object_object_add(new_object, "Symbol", json_object_new_string(ticker_name_string)); json_object_object_add(new_object, "Shares", json_object_new_double(quantity_shares)); json_object_object_add(new_object, "USD_Spent", json_object_new_double(usd_spent)); printf("Added %lf %s bought for %lf to portfolio.\n", quantity_shares, ticker_name_string, usd_spent); } else { //if already in portfolio Json* current_index = json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, (size_t) index); double current_shares = json_object_get_double( json_object_object_get(current_index, "Shares")); // Stores values already there double current_spent = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(current_index, "USD_Spent")); json_object_object_del(current_index, "Shares"); // Deletes the objects already there json_object_object_del(current_index, "USD_Spent"); if (option == SET) { current_shares = quantity_shares; current_spent = usd_spent; printf("Set amount of %s in portfolio to %lf bought for %lf.\n", ticker_name_string, quantity_shares, usd_spent); } else if (option == ADD) { current_shares += quantity_shares; current_spent += usd_spent; printf("Added %lf %s bought for %lf to portfolio.\n", quantity_shares, ticker_name_string, usd_spent); } else { current_shares -= quantity_shares; current_spent -= usd_spent; if (current_shares < 0 || current_spent < 0) { // If you try to remove more than you have printf("You do not have that many %s to remove.\n", ticker_name_string); json_object_put(jobj); free(portfolio_string); return; } printf("Removed %lf %s bought for %lf to portfolio.\n", quantity_shares, ticker_name_string, usd_spent); } if (current_shares == 0 && usd_spent == 0) //deletes index from portfolio if values are 0 json_object_array_del_idx(jobj, (size_t) index, 1); else { json_object_object_add(current_index, "Shares", json_object_new_double( round(current_shares * 100) / 100)); //adds computed values to index json_object_object_add(current_index, "USD_Spent", json_object_new_double(round(current_spent * 100) / 100)); } } fp = fopen(portfolio_file, "w"); fprintf(fp, "%s", json_object_to_json_string(jobj)); if (password != NULL) { // If portfolio was decrypted, encrypt again fflush(fp); printf("Encrypting porfolio...\n"); portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(ENCRYPT, fp, password); free(password); } json_object_put(jobj); free(portfolio_string); } void portfolio_print_all(FILE* fp) { char* portfolio_string = portfolio_file_get_string(fp, NULL); double* data, total_owned = 0, total_spent = 0, total_gain_1d = 0; Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(portfolio_string); char* password = NULL; if (jobj == NULL) { //ENCRYPTED PORTFOLIO password = rc4_getPassword(); printf("Decrypting portfolio...\n"); portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(DECRYPT, fp, password); fp = fopen(portfolio_file, "r+"); free(portfolio_string); portfolio_string = portfolio_file_get_string(fp, NULL); json_object_put(jobj); jobj = json_tokener_parse(portfolio_string); if (jobj == NULL) { free(portfolio_string); return; } } if (strcmp(portfolio_string, "") == 0) return; int num_symbols = (int) json_object_array_length(jobj); printf(" AMOUNT SYMBOL VALUE SPENT PROFIT (%%) 24H (%%)\n"); for (int i = 0; i < num_symbols; i++) { data = portfolio_print_stock(NULL, NULL, json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, (size_t) i)); if (data != NULL) { total_owned += data[0]; total_spent += data[1]; total_gain_1d += data[2]; } free(data); } printf("\n TOTALS %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n", total_owned, total_spent, total_owned - total_spent, (100 * (total_owned - total_spent)) / total_spent, total_gain_1d, 100 * total_gain_1d / total_spent); if (password != NULL) { // If portfolio was decrypted, encrypt again fflush(fp); printf("Encrypting porfolio...\n"); portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(ENCRYPT, fp, password); free(password); } json_object_put(jobj); free(portfolio_string); } double* portfolio_print_stock(char* ticker_name_string, FILE* fp, Json* current_index) { /** * Values in USD * a[0] -- current balance * a[1] -- amount spent * a[2] -- 1d gain */ char symbol[32]; double* data = malloc(sizeof(double) * 3); char* portfolio_string = NULL; char* password = NULL; Json* jobj = NULL; if (fp == NULL) { //if being called from portfolio_print_all strcpy(symbol, json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(current_index, "Symbol"))); strip_char(symbol, '\"'); data[0] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(current_index, "Shares")); data[1] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(current_index, "USD_Spent")); } else { //if being called directly from main strcpy(symbol, ticker_name_string); portfolio_string = portfolio_file_get_string(fp, NULL); jobj = json_tokener_parse(portfolio_string); if (jobj == NULL) { //ENCRYPTED PORTFOLIO password = rc4_getPassword(); printf("Decrypting portfolio...\n"); portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(DECRYPT, fp, password); fp = fopen(portfolio_file, "r+"); free(portfolio_string); portfolio_string = portfolio_file_get_string(fp, NULL); json_object_put(jobj); jobj = json_tokener_parse(portfolio_string); if (jobj == NULL) { free(portfolio_string); return NULL; } } int index = portfolio_symbol_index(symbol, jobj); if (index == -1) { printf("You do not have %s in your portfolio.\n", symbol); return data; } current_index = json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, (size_t) index); } data[0] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(current_index, "Shares")); data[1] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(current_index, "USD_Spent")); data[2] = 0; double* ticker_data, ticker_current_price_usd = 1, ticker_1d_price_usd, ticker_1d_percent_change = 0; if (strcmp(symbol, "USD$") != 0) { ticker_data = api_get_current_price(symbol); ticker_current_price_usd = ticker_data[0]; ticker_1d_price_usd = ticker_data[1]; free(ticker_data); data[2] = ((ticker_current_price_usd - ticker_1d_price_usd) * data[0]); ticker_1d_percent_change = 100 * (ticker_current_price_usd / ticker_1d_price_usd - 1); data[0] *= ticker_current_price_usd; } printf("%8.2lf %6s %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n", data[0] / ticker_current_price_usd, symbol, data[0], data[1], data[0] - data[1], (100 * (data[0] - data[1])) / data[1], data[2], ticker_1d_percent_change); if (fp != NULL) { json_object_put(jobj); if (password != NULL) { // If portfolio was decrypted, encrypt again fflush(fp); printf("Encrypting porfolio...\n"); portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(ENCRYPT, fp, password); free(password); } } free(portfolio_string); return data; } int portfolio_symbol_index(const char* ticker_name_string, Json* jarray) { char string[32]; for (int i = 0; i < (int)json_object_array_length(jarray); i++) { strcpy(string, json_object_to_json_string(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(jarray, (size_t) i), "Symbol"))); strip_char(string, '\"'); if (strcmp(string, ticker_name_string) == 0) return i; } return -1; } char* portfolio_legacy_get_next_val(FILE* fp) { char* val = calloc(16, 1); char c; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { c = (char) fgetc(fp); if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || feof(fp)) break; val[i] = c; } return val; } void portfolio_legacy_convert(void) { printf("Warning: this will overwrite your JSON formatted portfolio, which is stored at: \"$HOME/.tick_portfolio.json\". Continue? y/n\n"); char c = 0; while (c != 'y' && c != 'n') { if (scanf("%c", &c) < 0) c = 0; } if (c == 'n') { printf("Aborted.\n"); return; } FILE* fp = fopen(portfolio_file, "w"); char* pf = portfolio_file_get_string(fp, NULL); if (pf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fread() failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (strcmp(pf, "") != 0) remove(portfolio_file); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(portfolio_file, "a+"); free(pf); char* legacy_path = malloc(64); strcpy(legacy_path, portfolio_file); legacy_path[strlen(legacy_path) - 5] = '\0'; FILE* fp_legacy = fopen(legacy_path, "r"); free(legacy_path); if (!fp) { printf("Could not open legacy portfolio.\n"); return; } char* symbol, * amount, * spent; while (1) { symbol = portfolio_legacy_get_next_val(fp_legacy); amount = portfolio_legacy_get_next_val(fp_legacy); spent = portfolio_legacy_get_next_val(fp_legacy); portfolio_modify(symbol, strtod(amount, NULL), strtod(spent, NULL), fp, ADD); free(symbol); free(amount); free(spent); if (feof(fp_legacy)) break; } printf("Successfully converted portfolio!\n"); fclose(fp_legacy); fclose(fp); } char* portfolio_get_encrypt_string(char* input, size_t input_len, char* password) { int keySchedule[256]; rc4_key_exchange(keySchedule, password); char* output = rc4_prga(keySchedule, input_len); rc4_execute(output, input, input_len); return output; } void portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(int option, FILE* fp, char* password) { int free_pw = 0; if (password == NULL) free_pw = 1; fp = fopen(portfolio_file, "r+"); size_t len; char* ps = portfolio_file_get_string(fp, &len); Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(ps); if (option == ENCRYPT && jobj == NULL) // If trying to encrypt an encrypted portfolio printf("Your portfolio is already encrypted.\n"); else if (option == DECRYPT && jobj != NULL) // If trying to decrypt an unencrypted portfolio printf("Your portfolio isn't encrypted.\n"); else { if (password == NULL) { password = rc4_getPassword(); if (option == ENCRYPT) { // When encrypting, ask to enter pw twice to make sure printf("You will be asked to enter your password again to make sure the entries match.\n"); sleep(2); char* passwordCheck = rc4_getPassword(); if (strcmp(password, passwordCheck) != 0) { printf("Passwords do not match!\n"); free(password); free(passwordCheck); free(ps); json_object_put(jobj); return; } free(passwordCheck); } } char* encrypted = portfolio_get_encrypt_string(ps, len, password); if (option == DECRYPT) { json_object_put(jobj); encrypted = realloc(encrypted, len + 1);// Realloc to add null terminator for json parsing if (encrypted == NULL) { // Dealing with len is annoying so it's easier to just realloc fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } encrypted[len] = '\0'; jobj = json_tokener_parse(encrypted); if (jobj == NULL) { // If after decrypting, the portfolio is not JSON formatted, printf("Wrong password!\n"); // then it's the wrong password free(encrypted); free(password); free(ps); return; } } remove(portfolio_file); // Remove existing file and use fputc to write fp = fopen(portfolio_file, "w"); // fprintf %s won't work since there some chars are encoded to '\0', so it for (int i = 0; i < (int)len; i++) // will be null terminated several times in the middle fputc(encrypted[i], fp); fclose(fp); free(encrypted); if (free_pw) { // If being called from main free(password); if (option == ENCRYPT) printf("Successfully encrypted your portfolio.\n"); else printf("Successfully decrypted your portfolio.\n"); } } if (jobj != NULL) json_object_put(jobj); free(ps); }