#ifndef PORTFOLIO_H #define PORTFOLIO_H #include #include #include #include "api.h" #include "rc4.h" #define REMOVE 0 #define ADD 1 #define SET 2 #define SORT_ALPHA 0 #define SORT_VALUE 1 #define SORT_SPENT 2 #define SORT_PROFIT 3 #define SORT_PROFIT_PERCENT 4 #define SORT_PROFIT_24H 5 #define SORT_PROFIT_24H_PERCENT 6 #define SORT_PROFIT_7D 7 #define SORT_PROFIT_7D_PERCENT 8 #define SORT_PROFIT_30D 9 #define SORT_PROFIT_30D_PERCENT 10 #define HIGHLIGHT_NONE -1 extern char* portfolio_file_path; /** * Postcondition: the char* portfolio_file (the "portfolio") is allocated on the heap and contains the * path "$HOME/.tick_portfolio.json" */ void portfolio_file_path_init(void); /** * Returns the portfolio in a String. If it is encrypted, it will be decrypted using password * input through ncurses. * @param password_ref if decryption is necessary, will reference a char* of the password * @return Plaintext portfolio in a String or NULL if error/wrong password */ String* portfolio_ncurses_get_plaintext_string(char** password_ref); /** * If portfolio file exists, decrypts it if necessary and calls portfolio_string_modify to change * the value of an element in the portfolio. If it doesn't exist, creates a new file. * * Afterwards, re-encrypts the portfolio and writes it to the user's home folder. * * @param symbol string containing the symbol of the security to add or name of the cryptocurrency * @param quantity_shares the number of shares to modify the portfolio by (must be >0 for add/rm, * or >=0 for set) * @param usd_spent the amount of USD to modify the portfolio by (must be >0 for add/rm, or >=0 * for set) * @param mod_option SET, REMOVE, or ADD */ void portfolio_modify_write(const char* symbol, double quantity_shares, double usd_spent, int mod_option); /** * Creates or modifies the portfolio in JSON format. Each security is an object in an array. Each object contains the * following keys: "Symbol" (string), "Shares" (double), and "USD_Spent" (double). * * If the portfolio doesn't exist, create one with an empty array. * If the security is NOT already in the portfolio, checks if ticker_name_string is a valid security. If it is, * appends to the JSON array a new object containing the keys specified above. * * If the security IS already in the portfolio, modifies the values "Shares" and "USD_Spent" according to * the parameter option. SET will set the values to the parameters quantity_shares and usd_spent, REMOVE will * subtract the parameters from the values already in the portfolio, and ADD will add the parameters to the values * already in the portfolio. * * Adding or removing when quantity_shares and usd_spent are both 0, trying to remove more than is already contained in * the portfolio, or entering negative numbers isn't allowed either. * * After this, overwrite the portfolio with the (encrypted or not) created/modified JSON array. * * @param symbol string containing the symbol of the security to add or name of the cryptocurrency * @param quantity_shares the number of shares to modify the portfolio by * @param usd_spent the amount of USD to modify the portfolio by * @param mod_option SET, REMOVE, or ADD */ int portfolio_modify_string(String* pString, const char* symbol, double quantity_shares, double usd_spent, int mod_option); /** * Returns an Info_Array containing data from the portfolio. * length is the number of securities in the portfolio * @return SDA array */ Info_Array* portfolio_info_array_init_from_portfolio_string(String* pString); /** * Sorts the SDA array based on the SORT mode. * SORT_ALPHA will sort the array lexicographically from least to greatest * SORT_VALUE, SORT_PROFIT, SORT_PROFIT_1D, and SORT_PROFIT_7D will sort the array from greatest to least * @param portfolio_data array to sort * @param sort_option mode to sort */ void portfolio_sort(Info_Array* portfolio_data, int sort_option); /** * Prints to stdout information about every security contained in the portfolio: symbol, number of shares, USD spent, * current value, profit, and 24h profit. Additionally, print a grand total with info from all securities. */ void portfolio_print_all(Info_Array* portfolio_data); /** * Prints to stdout information about a specific security contained in the portfolio: symbol, number of shares, USD spent, * current value, profit, and 24h profit. * @param symbol the security to print */ void portfolio_print_stock(const char* symbol); /** * Goes through the given JSON array until the JSON object at the given index's key "Symbol" contains * the string ticker_name_string, then returns that index number. * @param symbol the security to return the index of * @param jarray the JSON array * @return -1 if not found, the index number otherwise */ int portfolio_symbol_index(const char* symbol, const Json* jarray); #endif