post_install() { /opt/prey-node-client/bin/prey config hooks post_install >/dev/null gpasswd -a prey video >/dev/null echo echo "You should now configure prey by either" echo "*) editing /etc/prey/prey.conf, or" echo "*) running \"prey_project config gui\"" echo echo "Prey use Python2, you need to see" echo "" echo "Make the file /usr/local/bin/python, whith:" echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nscript=$(readlink -f -- "$1")\ncase "$script" in (/opt/prey-node-client/*|/other/path)\nexec python2 "$@"\n;;\nesac\n\n\nexec python3 "$@"' } pre_remove() { /opt/prey-node-client/bin/prey config hooks pre_uninstall userdel prey echo "if you created python script you can remove /usr/local/bin/python, please see" echo "" }