# Gaia Sky 3.5.7 ## Features - add surface exploration mode for planets, where the camera moves relative to the position of the pointer when close to a planet or moon. - add floating-point completion rates to billboard datasets. - combine SSR with cubemap reflections to fill in parts that reflect to off-screen locations. - add Debian build files. Add Makefile. Add `createDebian` task to gradle build script. - updated Bulgarian translation ## Bug Fixes - crash when enabling 'Others' component type at startup in VR. - sizing of datasets scroll pane with expand/collapse groups is incorrect in some instances. - add free space check before downloads, and clean up properly after a failed extraction operation. Fixes [#744](https://codeberg.org/gaiasky/gaiasky/issues/744). - auto-scroll to target when cycling through UI elements with gamepad left stick. Selection and action with gamepad in dataset manager window. - zero-length keyframed path crashes the 'normalize times' action. Fixes [#741](https://codeberg.org/gaiasky/gaiasky/issues/741). - add missing, untranslated strings to I18N files. Fixes [#740](https://codeberg.org/gaiasky/gaiasky/issues/740). - start and dataset manager buttons do not scale horizontally with content. - ascending node parameter in rotation component does not apply correctly. Bump source version to 3.5.7, for new data is needed. - recursive tile lookup in sparse virtual textures module does not work correctly. - prevent SVT level overflows, and prompt for restart when tile cache size is modified in preferences. - remove custom amount of vertical scroll in scroll panes. Scrolling should now be much easier. ## Build System - upgrade to LibGDX 1.12.1 and LWJGL 3.3.3. ## Style - add missing deprecated tags to deprecated items. ## Merge Requests - Merge branch 'RacerBG-bg-update'