#!/bin/bash # usage: repo_fix.sh directory # Fix python2 references in .repo/repo folder created after 'repo init' command # Needed for work in ArchLinux! Or fix it by yourself! # Check for a valid parameter if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Usage: repo_fix.sh repo_dir" else # Check for a valid directory if [ -d $1 ]; then # Check for a valid repo repository if [ -d $1/.repo ]; then echo "repo repository found (maybe). Proced with patching." cd $1/.repo/repo # Patching all python scripts. # In my test with Android and ChromeOS repository, only main.py requires a patch, but I don't know if this thing will change in the future. # So we will patch every python script! for file in *.py do echo "Patching $file" sed 's/"exec" python /"exec" python2 /' $file > $file.tmp install -Dm 755 $file.tmp $file rm $file.tmp done else echo "This directory does not contain a valid repo repository!" fi else echo "Invalid directory!" fi fi