setup_rhpmain_dirs() { main_hdir=/var/lib/rhpmain mkdir -p $main_hdir/config mkdir -p $main_hdir/www/tmp mkdir -p $main_hdir/log mkdir -p $main_hdir/script mkdir -p $main_hdir/restore mkdir -p $main_hdir/tmp mkdir -p $main_hdir/certs chmod -R 0700 $main_hdir chown -R rhpmain:rhpenguin $main_hdir chmod -R 0700 $main_hdir/www/tmp } setup_rhpprotected_dirs() { protected_hdir=/var/lib/rhpprotected mkdir -p $protected_hdir/config mkdir -p $protected_hdir/certs mkdir -p $protected_hdir/script mkdir -p $protected_hdir/rhptrace mkdir -p $protected_hdir/restore mkdir -p $protected_hdir/tmp chmod -R 0700 $protected_hdir chown -R rhpprotected:rhpenguin $main_hdir } msg_blue() { printf "${blue}==>${bold} $1${all_off}\n" } note() { printf "${blue}==>${yellow} NOTE:${bold} $1${all_off}\n" } all_off="$(tput sgr0)" bold="${all_off}$(tput bold)" blue="${bold}$(tput setaf 4)" yellow="${bold}$(tput setaf 3)" post_install(){ groupadd -g 1006 rhpenguin &> /dev/null useradd -g 1006 -d /var/lib/rhpmain -s /bin/false rhpmain &> /dev/null useradd -g 1006 -d /var/lib/rhpprotected -s /bin/false rhpprotected &> /dev/null setup_rhpmain_dirs setup_rhpprotected_dirs #setcap setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip /var/lib/rhpprotected/script/rhp_netmng note "[NOTICE]"; msg_blue " - Default administrator's information for management"; msg_blue " tools (Web console and rockhopper command):"; msg_blue " Name : admin"; msg_blue " Password: secret"; msg_blue " Please change the default password immediately!"; msg_blue " - A default HTTP URL for Web Management Service:"; msg_blue " URL:"; msg_blue " (http://localhost:32501/)"; msg_blue " Web console has been tested only on Firefox and"; msg_blue " Google Chrome."; msg_blue "Rockhopper was successfully installed."; msg_blue "Enjoy, --- Rockhopper VPN Project"; } post_update() { setup_rhpmain_dirs setup_rhpprotected_dirs #setcap setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip /var/lib/rhpprotected/script/rhp_netmng note "[NOTICE]"; msg_blue " - Default administrator's information for management"; msg_blue " tools (Web console and rockhopper command):"; msg_blue " Name : admin"; msg_blue " Password: secret"; msg_blue " Please change the default password immediately!"; msg_blue " - A default HTTP URL for Web Management Service:"; msg_blue " URL:"; msg_blue " (http://localhost:32501/)"; msg_blue " Web console has been tested only on Firefox and"; msg_blue " Google Chrome."; msg_blue "Rockhopper was successfully installed."; msg_blue "Enjoy, --- Rockhopper VPN Project"; }