pre_install() { # Create required symlinks (see mkdir -p /usr/share/sip ln -sf /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/PyQt5 /usr/share/sip/. ln -sf /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/PyQt5/bindings/* /usr/share/sip/PyQt5/. } post_install() { printf " \e[33m\e[1mIMPORTANT NOTE:\e[0m You should add something like this to your ~/.bashrc file: export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=42 source /opt/ros2/galactic/setup.bash This quick command will do it for you: printf \"\\\nexport ROS_DOMAIN_ID=42\\\nsource /opt/ros2/galactic/setup.bash\\\n\" >> ~/.bashrc Note 1: If you use zsh, replace '.bash' in the above lines with '.zsh' and add the lines to ~/.zshrc . Note 2: This will slow down terminal startup for a few seconds on cold start, and a fraction of a second for terminals that open later. If you know a better transparent solution, you are welcome to edit this. \e[33m\e[1mEND OF IMPORTANT NOTE.\e[0m " } post_remove() { printf "You may want to clean up .bashrc and/or .zshrc." }