# This file contains examples of some of the things you may want to # include in a user startup file. # Set the shell options set -o emacs -o notify -o globstar [[ -o nobackslashctrl ]] && set -o nobackslashctrl [[ -o globcasedetect ]] && set -o globcasedetect #[[ -o noarrowkeysearch ]] && set -o noarrowkeysearch # Specify search path for autoloadable functions FPATH=/usr/share/ksh/functions:~/.func # Optional: Autoload functions installed with ksh #autoload autocd #autoload man #autoload dirs #autoload pushd #autoload popd # Optional: Set the precision of the time keyword to six and use %C #((.sh.version >= 20220606)) && TIMEFORMAT=$'\nreal\t%6lR\ncpu\t%6lC' # Optional: Avoid certain file types in completion #FIGNORE='@(*.o|~*)' # Save more commands in history HISTSIZE=2000 #HISTEDIT=$EDITOR # Remove the problematic default 'r' alias (this is only # done when it's safe, as old versions of ksh can crash # after 'unalias r'). ((.sh.version >= 20220806)) && unalias r # Below is a basic example that provides extra tilde expansions if ((.sh.version >= 20210318)) && [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then .sh.tilde.get() { case ${.sh.tilde} in '~docs') .sh.tilde=~/Documents ;; '~dls') .sh.tilde=~/Downloads ;; '~share') .sh.tilde=~/.local/share ;; esac } fi # Associative array containing a set of RGB color codes. # Terminals emulators with support for wide color ranges # can take better advantage of this. typeset -A color=( [bright_lavender]=$'\E[38;2;191;148;228m' [red]=$'\E[38;2;255;0;0m' [cyan_process]=$'\E[38;2;0;183;235m' [ultramarine_blue]=$'\E[38;2;65;102;245m' [reset]=$'\E[0m' # Some extra examples #[start_title]=$'\E]0;' #[bell]=$'\a' #[underline]=$'\E[4m' #[spaced_dots]=$'\E[4:5m' ) PS1.get() { ret=$? # Workaround $? bug in ksh < 2022-03-16 (cf. https://github.com/ksh93/ksh/pull/226) pwd=$(pwd 2>/dev/null) [[ ${pwd} == / ]] && return 0 case ${pwd} in ~) pwd='~' ;; ~docs) pwd='~docs' ;; ~dls) pwd='~dls' ;; ~share) pwd='~share' ;; '') pwd="${color[red]}No pwd found" ;; *) pwd=${pwd##*/} ;; esac if [[ $(id -u) == 0 ]]; then PS1='${color[bright_lavender]}${pwd} ${color[red]}#${color[reset]} ' else PS1='${color[ultramarine_blue]}${pwd} ${color[cyan_process]}\$${color[reset]} ' fi return $ret }