## arg 1: the new package version pre_install() { virtualenv2 --system-site-packages /usr/lib/seafile/seafileenv virtualenv2 --relocatable /usr/lib/seafile/seafileenv source /usr/lib/seafile/seafileenv/bin/activate pip install pip # Dependencies as per # http://manual.seafile.com/build_seafile/server.html pip install "Django>=1.5.8,<1.6" pip install "Djblets==0.6.14" --no-deps --allow-external Djblets --allow-unverified Djblets # sqlite3 module should be included in python distribution pip install simplejson # Pillow as replacement for PIL pip install "Pillow>=2.6.1,<3.0.0" pip install chardet pip install "gunicorn==18" pip install "django-compressor==1.4" pip install "django-statici18n==1.1.2" pip install six pip install python-dateutil pip install "git+git://github.com/haiwen/django-constance.git@bde7f7cdfd0ed1631a6817fd4cd76f37bf54fe35#egg=django-constance[database]" pip install "openpyxl==2.3.0" # Additional dependencies pip install django-pipeline deactivate } post_install() { systemctl daemon-reload } ## arg 1: the new package version ## arg 2: the old package version pre_upgrade() { virtualenv2 --system-site-packages /usr/lib/seafile/seafileenv virtualenv2 --relocatable /usr/lib/seafile/seafileenv source /usr/lib/seafile/seafileenv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip # Dependencies as per # http://manual.seafile.com/build_seafile/server.html pip install --upgrade "Django>=1.5.8,<1.6" pip install --upgrade "Djblets==0.6.14" --no-deps --allow-external Djblets --allow-unverified Djblets # sqlite3 module should be included in python distribution pip install --upgrade simplejson # Pillow as replacement for PIL pip install --upgrade "Pillow>=2.6.1,<3.0.0" pip install --upgrade chardet pip install --upgrade "gunicorn==18" pip install "django-compressor==1.4" pip install "django-statici18n==1.1.2" pip install --upgrade six pip install --upgrade python-dateutil pip install --upgrade "git+git://github.com/haiwen/django-constance.git@bde7f7cdfd0ed1631a6817fd4cd76f37bf54fe35#egg=django-constance[database]" pip install --upgrade "openpyxl==2.3.0" # Additional dependencies pip install --upgrade django-pipeline deactivate } ## arg 1: the new package version ## arg 2: the old package version post_upgrade() { post_install } ## arg 1: the old package version pre_remove() { echo " " > /dev/null } ## arg 1: the old package version post_remove() { rm -rf /usr/lib/seafile/seafileenv post_install }