post_install() { echo "" echo " ***************************************************************************************" echo " If you have access to a copy of the game (either by CD or through Steam)," echo " you can copy the *.gro files to the /usr/share/serioussam directory." echo " for the game Serious Sam Classic The First Encounter and copy the *.gro files " echo " to the /usr/share/serioussamse directory. for Second Encounter" echo " ***************************************************************************************" echo " Copy all *.gro files and Help folder from the game directory to serioussam directory." echo " At the current time the files are:" echo " - Help (folder)" echo " - Levels (folder)" echo " - 1_00_ExtraTools.gro" echo " - 1_00_music.gro" echo " - 1_00c.gro" echo " - 1_00c_scripts.gro" echo " - 1_04_patch.gro" echo " ***************************************************************************************" echo " Copy all *.gro files and Help folder from the game directory to serioussamse directory." echo " At the current time the files are:" echo " - Help (folder)" echo " - SE1_00.gro" echo " - SE1_00_Extra.gro" echo " - SE1_00_ExtraTools.gro" echo " - SE1_00_Levels.gro" echo " - SE1_00.gro" echo " - SE1_00_Music.gro" echo " - 1_04_patch.gro" echo " - 1_07_patch.gro" echo " ***************************************************************************************" echo " Note:" echo " If you want a clean game with no mods, you can just install package serioussam or" echo " serioussam-vk. The game data can be placed anywhere in your home directory. At the" echo " first start, the game will scan the home directory, and if, for example, you have the" echo " Steam version of the game installed, the game itself will find the data and write the" echo " path to it in the configuration file. Copying data to /usr/share is not required." echo " Just don't forget to place the SE1_10b.gro file where the game data is located." echo " For the First Encounter and for the Second Encounter too." echo " ***************************************************************************************" echo "" }