[clock] enabled = true # Set this to the highest priority so it will start with the clock # priority = 1 # Enables a twelve hour clock instead of the 24hr one # Defaults to your local format if unset # twelve_hour = false [mpris2] enabled = true # Set this so web browsers like Firefox or Chrome don't steal the focus of your real music player # You can check what to put here by using tools like D-Feet # preferred_player = "Lollypop" [coindesk] enabled = false # Valid choices are "gbp", "usd" and "eur" # Default is USD # currency = "eur" [sysinfo] enabled = true # The polling interval for system stats in milliseconds. polling_interval = 1500 # The maximum value for the net I/O stat bar (in MiB), used for scaling its fill # net_load_max = 100 # The maximum value for the cpu frequency stat bar (in GHz), used for scaling its fill # cpu_frequency_max = 7 # The maximum value for the temperature stat bar (in degC), used for scaling its fill # temperature_max = 100 # Network interface name used in network I/O stat bar # To find values for this config, use the `ip link` command # net_interface_name = "eth0" # sensor name used in temperature stat bar # To find values for this config in Linux, use the `sensors` command # sensor_name = "asus_wmi_sensors CPU Temperature" [gif] # /!\ # Please note that it is a relative path, so once compiled, please # copy the gifs folder to the current directory path = "gifs/sample_1.gif" # This only works if the gif feature is passed in the build instructions # It supports any gifs (even in color, but it will only display in black and white) # If your gif doesn't fit in the screen, you can go to any gif resizer (like this one https://redketchup.io/gif-resizer ) # and resize your gif to the screen resolution (128 pixels in width and 40 pixels in height)