#!/usr/bin/env python2 from distutils.core import setup from fnmatch import fnmatch import os def listfiles(*dirs): dir, pattern = os.path.split(os.path.join(*dirs)) return [os.path.join(dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(os.path.abspath(dir)) if filename[0] != '.' and fnmatch(filename, pattern)] setup( name = 'iwscanner', version = '0.2.4', description = 'Wireless Scanner', long_description = "Wireless scanner for linux with an easy to use graphic interface", author = 'Renzo Bertuzzi (kuthulu)', author_email = 'iwscanner@kuthulu.com', url = 'http://www.kuthulu.com/iwscanner', platforms = 'linux', license = 'LGPL-2.1+', scripts = ['../iwscanner'], data_files = [ ('/usr/share/iwscanner/', [ 'iwscanner.glade' ] ), ('/usr/share/iwscanner/', [ 'iwscanner.py' ] ), ('/usr/share/iwscanner/', [ 'SimpleGladeApp.py' ] ), ('/usr/share/iwscanner/',[ 'iwscanner.png' ] ), ('/usr/share/pixmaps/', [ 'iwscanner.png' ] ) ], )